Enough Is Enough!!!

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Okay all... I've been good... I've kept my sense of humor about my various diseases and the fact that how in the world could this all happen to one person. But the other shoe dropped today so to speak.

My PCP did yet another blood test and found that now my Glucose is high...VERY high. So now I have to go back next week for another blood test (the @#$@$#! VAMPIRES) and I also have to see an orthopedic doc to check my ankle.

This would be my fifth disease within a year... when will it end.

Sorry... I too had to unload! lol

Take care all


Zazzy, girl, it is quite ok for you to unload on us...if we can help , I for one would be glad to listen. I have wanted to be there for you and sympathize, but didn't want to insult you. You put up such a brave battle, I thought I might insult you with sympathy. I wasn't going to tell you (thought you would think I should join the loony bin site) but I raise Pygmy goats (the little goats you see at petting zoos) and this spring I had a little buck and doe born prematurely. They were really weak...I had to tube feed them and all. On day two, I named the little girl Zazzy and the little boy Zazzman because I felt they needed a strong protector. And if anything could help them out, maybe your totem would be the one. Well, I guess Zazzman wasn't close enough for the little guy, but Zazzy is alive and well and raising cane with the best of them. Thank you. God bless and take care of you.
Thanks for the reply... it is an honor to have your little goat bear my name! I am sorry about the little guy though!

You, or anyone else, should never feel that you would insult me! Believe me I need all the support I can get! lol

Take care
Dear Zazzy,

You rant and rave all you need to. Screeming is good for the soul. You'll beat it girl like all the rest! Tell the vampires to use a butterfly, less pain. When it rains it pours...... I'm hear and listening any time you need it. martha


Dear Zazzy-

What a lot for you to have. You must be a heck of a special person to deal with all of that. This is the place to unload, so go ahead. There are lots of sympathetic ears, and e-mail hugs.

I hope it all turns out for the best and is a some crazy side effects from medication that is easily corrected.

hi zazzy!
i guess you got the message... there's no such thing as unloading here. i think it's part of the package, no? i have found everyone so giving on this forum. how can anyone not want to do the same in return???
please feel free... we're glad to hear from you. hope all turns out ok. you sound like one tough lady.
"you go girl!"
keep us up to date, ok?
Im so sorry for what you are going through. Maybe you are getting 10 years in at once. You know?? Maybe nothing will happen now for a VERY long time! This is THE place to unload.
Everyone is so accepting and understanding. Hang in there,
and we will be here for you.
Hi Zazzy

Hi Zazzy

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is some kind of flukey thing, like eating too much sugar or a medication reaction. Think positively.

Hope all turns out well.
Thanks for the encouraging words folks! It was just a shock to learn this after everything else. That and the fact that they can't figure out what is wrong with my stupid leg. Edema is a side-effect of Gleevec and heart, but usually BOTH legs swell.... not just one! That is me though.... always a laugh a minute! Keeps my docs in line and on their toes!!!! hee hee

I have a friend on another board who has multiple problems too. He said the other day that between the two of us we could keep a medical school running! lol

Thanks again and I just want you to know that it will take a lot more than this to get this ol' gal down!!!

Take care,
Hi Zazzy-

Not to scare you, but has anyone checked for you for a blockage in the vessels in the leg that is swelled? Just a thought.