Elizabeth Smart has been found alive!

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
You all probably know this, but it is an amazing story that this child has been found alive after all these months.

She was found along with her captor, a drifter "Emmanuel", and another woman.

Thank God.
Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart

Yes this is truly an awesome example of the power of prayer. Thanks be to God.
Just heard it on Dan Rather - out of all those little girls, isn't it amazing that one of them has been found alive - and it was a handyman, after all! See, we still get miracles now and then. Wonderful and made my week.


Hi Everyone!
I heard about Elizabeth on the news and the first thing I said was that prayers have been answered and a miracle has definately occured. It is wonderful news. I am so so happy for the Smart family.

I was so glad when I heard about Elizabeth Smart!

I'm sure we'll hear what she had to endure but Thank God she was found alive!

A true miracle has occured! The power of prayer does work!

Thank God for Elizabeth's safe return....

Thank God for Elizabeth's safe return....

...from her 'multi-abduction.'

>>> "abductor.....

n 1: someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom) [syn: kidnapper, kidnaper, snatcher]

>>> "psychological....

adj 1: mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature; "give psychological support"; "psychological warfare"

2: of or relating to or determined by psychology; "psychological theories"

Elizabeth was first physically abducted THEN psychologically abducted which punishment should bring the abductor DOUBLE the greater of the two, AT LEAST (a couple HUNDRED years?).

When reading of Patty Hearst's 'understanding' of Elizabeth's state of mind during and even immediately after her rescue from the abductors my mind started wondering in different directions (doesn't it always?).

By her explanations of how abductors 'dominate' their victims I started wondering on the 'methods' catholic priests were/are using on 'their' victims.

Isn't it FUNNY that only U.S. priests were into THIS. Are other nations (and the vatican) hiding / covering up for them elsewhere?

What I finally realized is that a younger sister HAD her own abductor, her husband, (--psychological abduction) for her entire marriage (about 15 years).

I'll spare you HIS stupidities (which only came out afterwards in bits and pieces, --she NEVER complained or told ANYONE about her suffering).

She ended-up 'stabbing' her abductor in his sleep (--sorry the MONSTER survived!).

She left the BASTARD taking her four kids only to turn into an alcoholic.

NOW I can BETTER understand her lifelong suffering, FIRST by her abductor husband and now by her abductor ALCOHOL.

How many women ARE living (percentage-wise) this type of hell?

Just look at the way Arabs treat their 'God-sent' treasures. Dogs are treated BETTER in the U.S!

.....and these little girls (9 and 10) from some place east that were being 'pimped' by her mother/aunt to the town MAJOR!

Is their mother/aunt a double (physically and psychologically) abductor?

--my 2 cents worth.

God Bless all
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