effects of taking natural supplements on surgery

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Ray Norsworthy

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2011
Boise, Idaho
I take a lot of supplements like Omega 3 (fish oil capsules), resveratrol, colius forskoli, GABA, melatonin, COQ10, & several herbs & spices (sounds like Kentucky Fried Chicken). The surgeon told me to stop taking them & I have, but for my own edification has anyone else taken supplements before the surgery? I can see why there might be concern about the blood being too thin, but mine isn't & I sure don't want it too thick!
IMO if my sugeon says stop, I'd stop, He's the expert. You can always start them again after you've healed. Did yu ask the surgeon why he thought you should stop?
You have a reasonably long list of supplements, they can alter all kinds of test results. It's a good thing he asked you, some might not think to. You want him to have the very best and accurate information about what's going on in yur body. Next time you see him I would ask him about which ones he thinks will be benificial post-op and which ones he thinks you don't need and why. Heck, he went to school for all those years he must know something LOL ;)
I take a lot of supplements like Omega 3 (fish oil capsules), resveratrol, colius forskoli, GABA, melatonin, COQ10, & several herbs & spices (sounds like Kentucky Fried Chicken). The surgeon told me to stop taking them & I have, but for my own edification has anyone else taken supplements before the surgery? I can see why there might be concern about the blood being too thin, but mine isn't & I sure don't want it too thick!

Howdy Ray, don't worry about your blood being "thick or thin", that never changes no matter what you take.
Certain meds or herbs can affect the platelets or coagulation of the blood and will be called anti-platelet or
anticoagulants. That is quite a long list of supplements that you are taking and imagine the doctors trying to
deal with the effects of that on your blood and body. There is no way to take all that into consideration, so they
ask all patients to stop taking all supps.
Post op feel free to discuss with your docs if and when you may re-start any or all of them. Best wishes.
And I've just been reading that CoQ10 taken prior to heart surgery has beneficial effects on the surgery and recovery ! I will definitely ask my surgeon if I can at least keep taking the CoQ10.
Hi Ray,

I first read it in 'The Doctor's Heart Cure' by Dr Al Sears and then found several hits about it on the internet, here's a couple of quotes and some links:

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, patients that will undergo heart surgery of many types, including transplants and coronary bypass, may benefit from taking CoQ10 before their procedure. Supplementation may improve short- and long-term outcomes after surgery. Heart patients that take CoQ10 before surgery may have a lower chance of abnormal heart beats in the recovery room immediately after surgery. Long-term benefits include improved strength of the cardiac muscle and reduced effects of free radical damage.

In one clinical study, forty patients undergoing elective surgery either served in the control group or received 150 mg of CoQ10 each day for seven days before the surgery. The concentrations of lipid peroxides and the enzyme creatine kinase, indicators of the myocardial damage, were significantly lower in patients who received CoQ10 than in the control group. The patients who received Co Q10 treatment also showed a statistically significant lower incidence of ventricular arrhythmias during the recovery period. The results clearly demonstrated that pretreatment with CoQ10 can play a protective role during routine bypass surgery by reducing oxidative damage.


I know there's loads more !

In my book CoQ10 is the best supliment out there for most heart issues, and a must for anyone on statins (google this if you are taking statins). I was able to take most supliments up to two days before, and then were given them back a day after surgery. Here is my coctail

fish oil

a few months after my surgery, I have added resveratrol and L-arginine