Echo results...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all:
My cardio gave me my echo results today before rushing off for other business, so I really didn't get the opportunity to question him. Here's what happened:
He says my mitral valve is fine, my annuloplasty ring is working properly, but I have a mild leak. I have no murmur, though. He said that the leak is very mild and therefore would not cause a murmur. If I did have a murmur, though, he would want to run more tests.

That's it--my valve is, in his words, beautiful:cool:, but how is it possible to have a mild leak with no murmur? Any insight before I see my cardio again is appreciated!

I also have a mild leak of of my mitral valve since surgery but no murmur. I guess it just takes more of a leak to cause a murmur. Besides, I once heard that if everyone had an echo, that probably at least half the population would have a mild leak of at least one valve, but I am sure that half the population does not have a murmur.
I have a mild leak in my Tricuspid valve but my doc reckons that everyone has some amount of leak in any valve, so while it sounds alarming, it's actually something that lots of people have for their entire lives without knowing it and it causes no harm :)

Hope that helps!
Hi Debi, I agree with what has already been said. It seems a mild leak is pretty common.

Congratulations, enjoy your good health. :cool:
Sounds like you got a great report Debi!

Congratulations & I wouldn't place too much emphasis on the 'mild leak' that the dr mentioned you have because I've heard that it's pretty common in so many patients.

So relax & enjoy your life! :)