Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
no matter its origins are to you, its a time when family gets together. Up in the north of Europe (I call an EU country Europe) it's still pretty chilly and so the following scene is possible.
so don't be in a rush and just enjoy your family or even your lack of family. Eat some chcolate and be thankful that no matter what; "you're still reading this post".
Best Wishes to all the Vamily here at VR
no matter its origins are to you, its a time when family gets together. Up in the north of Europe (I call an EU country Europe) it's still pretty chilly and so the following scene is possible.
so don't be in a rush and just enjoy your family or even your lack of family. Eat some chcolate and be thankful that no matter what; "you're still reading this post".
Best Wishes to all the Vamily here at VR