Does a quieter click mean anything?

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Protimenow Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2010
This is REALLY long time post-op.

I have a St. Jude valve - it's been 19 years since my surgery.

It seems that my valve has gotten considerably quieter over the years - although my INR is still within range, and I don't notice any negative effects from a softer click.

I don't have a cardiologist or medical insurance.

Have any of you noticed that the valve gets quieter over time? (BTW:I don't think I've put on enough weight to muffle the click, and I still notice it at night, when I go to bed)
I know mine got quieter within 12 months of surgery, but I don't know about 19 years' worth.

In general, I notice it more at night - it's quieter in the house, plus the wooden headboard creates a sort of echo/amplifying effect.

Maybe your hearing is not as good as it used to be???? <grin>
Thanks for your response.
Actually, I think my hearing is okay. What got my attention was my haircutter - who I've been going to for decades - mentioned that he didn't hear my ticking as loudly as he used to - and put his head against my chest to listen for it. This seemed a bit strange, but got my attention. Perhaps my haircutter's hearing for those frequencies isn't what it used to be.

I'm asymptomatic for any relevant cardiac changes, so I guess I just won't be all that concerned about a perceived volume drop.

I haven't noticed any difference. Does a quieter click mean anything to you ? Yeah, I think it means the Ebay auctions is ending soon.
You asked if a quieter click means something to me. That was my question when I started this post. You haven't noticed any difference in your click, but perhaps when/if your click suddenly gets softer, it MAY mean something to YOU -- and you may want to ask the same question I did. It could be life-threatening or, one hopes, it could mean nothing.

My question was a serious one -- although I didn't specifically say it, the question is 'do I have to worry? Might this mean that my valve is failing? Am I in some kind of danger?'

I appreciated AgilityDog's comment about her valve getting quieter a year after surgery.
You might want to visit a cardiologist to make sure that the valve is working properly. I had a St. Jude valve placed in the pulmonic position and that lasted 21 years, but it ended up "freezing open." I had my 2nd OHS in Aug. 2009. Getting an echo or a cath should help your doctor know what you need to do. Like you, my coumadin levels were pretty good and I heard it getting less loud over the years.

However, I don't mean to scare you. I also was born with tetralogy of fallot, so there were other issues at work for me. Hope everything looks good for you!

There's no cardiology visit in my near future - unless I have a MAJOR problem and go to an Emergency Room.

I was just looking for feedback from others, and appreciate all the replies.