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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
Hello Friends,
I just wanted to ask for your prayers as I start my first round of chemo bright and early in the morning. I had surgery today to place the chemo port in my chest. Ouch! For some reason....perhaps cause I don't understand quite yet how this port is attached to me......I have a large incision on my neck too. Another question to ask my onco doctor....."What's this:eek: ?
My oncologist remains so very optimistic. The PET scan showed only two hot spots - one in chest and one in groin. Anyway, the places are really small. Another bit of good news is that my bone marrow biopsy turned out to show vibrant and healthy activity. All in all I am doing well. Just a tad nervous about chemo. I have another 6-8 hour chemo scheduled for Friday. I have to go back in on Saturday for a shot of some kind. One of these days I'll know what the heck is going on with me...until then I am just in the learning mode.
Well everyone, take care and again thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement.

You have not left my mind for one minute. My hopes and prayers are with you and I am sure happy to hear about the limited hot spots and the marrow activity. Certainly a bit of hope in a cloudy situation.

I know you will do fine but I am sorry you have to go through this.

Please take care.
Debbi, you are in my thoughts and prayers.. keep positive thoughts.. we're all here for ya


Been praying for you and will continue. From what you say, it does sound encouraging, though I'm sure it's no fun (to say the least!). Stay positive and lean us us anytime you need to.

My thoughts will be with you in the morning and throughout the upcoming weeks.
"vibrant and healthy activity", that's what we want to hear, Debbie!!

"optomistic oncologist"--that's a GOOD thing!!

It must encourage you to see so many who have posted and said they went through this YEARS ago and have been well. You will be one of these also!!

Holding you up in prayer!!!
Debbie I lift you up right now and will put you at the top of my daily prayer list. I've been there, done that. Your positive attitude will mean so much in your accepting and handling this situation. I am a six year survivor of breast cancer, a four year survivor of kidney cancer and I have lived with chronic myloid leukemia for three years. I also had my AVR two years ago. So you see we can become survivors and God will use us through these trials.
Awe Deb, I'm sorry you have to start this journey, but I'll certainly walk it with you all the way. I'm never going to understand why some of us have this never ending crap play out in our lives. :)
You can do it! It will be tough and you will feel bad at times but a positive atitude and good friends will get you thru this. I just went thru this therapy with my wife the last 4 months so I kind of know what your going thru. My prayers will be with you.God Speed
Best of luck, Debbi, with chemo. I kept a day to day journal of all my symptoms during chemo. It was very valuable for me. I could refer to it after each treatment and plan my schedule based on what the journal said. For the most part each chemo session affected me quite similarly, so I knew what to expect at each point in time.
Bless your heart. You will certainly be in our prayers. I haven't been through chemo but, having family members go through it, I can say that it is much more tolerable these days than it used to be. They seem to have come a long way in preventing nausea. All the best to you.

Wise & Cindy
Best of luck to you! Prayers and best wishes. You have so much support here - take care:)
You are in my thoughts and I send you all of the best wishes and vibes for a fast recovery. It won't be long before we are all in New Orleans and this will be behind you. Think of the stories you will have to share.
Isle of View,
Deb, you are in my prayers too. I keep thinking of as a little army filled with soldiers. Some are up there fighting in the front line much more than others. The troops in the back keep handing up the water and whatever else is needed to help in the battle. Try to get through this victorious and hopefully you can get off that front line and join the support staff for a while.


Glad to see you posting tonight! Hope that means that you made it through OK today. So happy to hear that your oncologist is so optimistic. Your positive attitude will get you through this, and he'll probably take all the CREDIT!!! (Men!).

Take care of yourself...Rest., eat healthy food, and try to keep laughing (go see Talladega Nights -pretty funny!:) )

Keep us posted!


I sure wish you luck. Your oncologist sounds very optomistic which I think is a good sign. I will be sending prayers your way.
Take care and keep us posted.