Diarrhea and Nausea Med Interaction with Coumadin

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
I KNOW we've had plenty of discussion on that to use and what NOT to use for Diarrhea and Nausa / Vomiting but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for quickly.

Can anyone tell me what anti-diarrhea meds interact with Coumadin (either make INR to UP or DOWN). Same for anti-nausea meds (antivert etc).

My S.O. has been running at BOTH ends since Friday and it hit ME today. We were originally thinking it was a reaction to a new medication she started Friday but that seems suspect now.

FWIW, I went to a dinner meeting last Tuesday and my steak was rather PINK in the middle (NOT RED, but not light pink either). Could undercooked steak be the culprit?

I lost LOT of fluid from my stomach (5 rapid fire 'up-chucks' followed by another 3 an hour later) and I'm guessing a fair amount of watery runs from the other end. This started around 4 pm local with the second run just before 6 pm. I went to bed for a few hours and am just now getting vertical again.

SO how is all THAT going to affect my INR?
I usually take my Coumadin 2 hours before bedtime.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Al,

Chances are you have some sort of a virus. You really need to stay away from the Pepto Bismal sp?.Has aspirin in it. If you can get a hold of some Sea-Band ginger gum. Works great for your current concerns as well as motion sickness.Really....1mg of ginger will help your stomach upset. You can check with a local health food store or pharmacy. For the diarrhea...... Imodium is safe. Have used both products with no change in my INR. Once I was really sick. Lot of vomiting. Thought my levels would be off. They were within range. Go firgure!

Concentrate on your symptoms and test the INR in 3 days.

Feel better:)
Rooibos tea (can now be found in grocery stores, also known as Red Tea) helps settle the stomach.

When you can start to keep things down - hit the yogurt to get your good bacteria built up again in your digestive track. The sooner you can bring your digestion back into working order, the faster your INR will return to range. I know these aren't tips for what does and doesn't affect INR, but I was also thinking that this digestive track virus you have will also affect it.

Try to keep hydrated as well.
One thing that helps my family with viral stomach flu has been Shitake mushroom.
Whiile I was in the waiting room of a doctor's office, I read in a fitness magazine certain mushrooms like Shitake are beleived to have anti-viral effect.

So when my kid had a really severe viral stomach flu, and nothing else worked, we fed him sauteed mushrooms . It seemed to work really well.

I later found out that my acupunctiorist actually recommends same thing to his patients and seen it worked really well for his patients.

EJ - interesting remedy. I'll have to remember it.

Al - how are you feeling today?
Originally posted by doyo
One thing that helps my family with viral stomach flu has been Shitake mushroom.

I only took coumadin temporarily so I'm no expert on the subject, but I thought I should mention this...

When I was on coumadin as a precaution for the first 3 months after my mitral valve repair, I guess because of my Chinese ancestry, the nurse practitioner made it a point to specifically mention chinese mushrooms as one of the foods I should avoid. I don't eat chinese food much anyway so it wasn't really an issue. However, I mention this as chinese mushrooms are in fact shitake mushrooms although they most often use a re-hydrated dried version in cooking as opposed to fresh.
I'm only assuming her comment related to the coumadin as opposed to some other post-op reason (like maybe water retention or something). She also mentioned the green veggies and vitamin supplements so that's why I'm making the assumption it was about coumadin. This was during the meeting I had with her to review everything I needed to do/don't do just prior to my discharge.

Hopefully somebody will come along who might know for sure.
coumadin and mushroom

coumadin and mushroom

WayneGM said:
I'm only assuming her comment related to the coumadin as opposed to some other post-op reason (like maybe water retention or something). She also mentioned the green veggies and vitamin supplements so that's why I'm making the assumption it was about coumadin. This was during the meeting I had with her to review everything I needed to do/don't do just prior to my discharge.

Hopefully somebody will come along who might know for sure.

I like Karlynn's suggestion of eating Yogurt when you get better to help boost good bacteria in digestive tract.

In terms of the coumadin and mushroom interaction:
My family likes mushroom and my wife has eaten them quite often since she was on the coumadin. We did not see any noticeable change in her INR with the mushroom.
After reading Wayne's post, it made me wonder and I did some goolgle search and found the following that indicates little or no interaction.

From Coumain web site indicating Low interaction. http://www.coumadin.com/coumadin/ch...V_UseBVCookie=Yes&channelId=-11474#vegetables

USDA web site has PDF file with nutrition contents for different food.
I looked at pdf file for Vitamin K content (This is really good and I saved it on my computer for future reference)

Commecial cream of mushroom soup prepared with equal volum of milk: 2.7 mcg
Cooked Shiitake mushroom 0.1 mcg
Dried Shiitake mushroom 0.0 mcg
In contrast Kale has 1146 mcg, Spinache 1000 mcg and Brocoli has 220 mcg of Vitamin K

So it looks like it is pretty safe to assume that there should be minimal, if any, interaction between Shiitake mushroom and Coumadin.

We are not sure when Wayne's nurse was trying to say about mushrooms but for Comadin, mushroom seems OK.
We had a nurse from a first class heart center who told us not to eat Banana because it would drop the INR (which is incorrect) :rolleyes: so I am not surprised at the misinformation.

Al Lodwick just posted recently in response to someone's inquiry on taking mushroom capsule suppliments. Al couldn't find any correlation.

I also love mushrooms. I snack on them if they are on sale. (Just had several last night) I've never noticed any INR swings.
Bring on the Portabellas, Shitakes, or any other of those tasty little fungus pieces. I'll kill for some Morrels right now.
Since my surgery I've always used Mylanta. It has worked well with no effect on my INR.
Al it sounds like you two either got food poison or a virus. A lot of that going around right now.
I always wondered how they came up with that name for those mushrooms. So they are a diarrhea remedy - now I know.