Date is set - Jan 9

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Met with the surgeon yesterday and have scheduled my mitral valve replacement for Tuesday, Jan 9. I'll check in the day before and have a cardiac cath to make sure the vessels are clear, apparently that's standard procedure since I'm over 40.

Has anyone here had an incision on the side, between the ribs?

Obviously I don't want to sacrifice medical necessity for cosmetics but all things being equal I really don't want a scar right down the center of my chest. Seems to me I'll be making clothing choices based upon necklines for the rest of my life.

Then there's the valve choice issue. We walked into the room before the Dr. got there and sitting on the table were sample pig, cow and a mechanical valve (the St. Judes). It was sooo strange seeing them there and brought the reality of the situation right home.

we have had some who have had the side procedure.

At least you will be able to get the holidays done with yourself still unblemished. Pamper yourself.
Put you on the calendar for January 9th, Ruth. Have you decided on a valve yet and have you checked out the threads on valve selection?
Best wishes to you,

Congrats on getting the date set :).

Good luck and, of course, thoughts/prayers are coming your way.

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'

I'm still in the waiting room so can't answer any technical questions but I did want to let you know that you will be in my prayers and thoughts as you prepare for your surgery. I would assume that seeing sample valves would make it all feel real - I think I would get that feeling as well because as they say "seeing is believing"! ;)

Seriously I do hope that you enjoy your holidays and your surgery date doesn't weigh you down. And I look forward to hearing from you that all went well and you are on the road to recovery!
Take Care!
Don't be too disheartened if you get the centre incision. After my surgery I was a little self-conscious about my scar too but after a very short time it ceased to worry me and if anything, I tend to buy tops which will definately show it off - as someone here said, I earned it.

Good luck.
That makes two of us!

That makes two of us!


Good luck and a speedy recovery on your surgery. I too will be having surgery on the 9th. Mine is for AVR and aorta resection surgery. Good luck and let me know how your recovery goes.

Take Care,
All the best for your surgery...

Sitting here nearly 5 weeks post op i don't feel like i've had anything done so let the positive feelings wash over you and get on with the rest of your life...

As i've said to others, i feel like i had 2 crappy days then each day after that has been 100% better than the previous one.

I look forwards to your postings of an uneventful recovery.
Thank you all very much for the kind words, it really means a lot, I mean ***really*** :).

Todd, you will be in my thoughts and prayers on the 9'th as well. All the best to you.

Magic8, I've followed your recent surgery here on this board, glad to hear you're feeling good. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

The wonderful thing about the folks here is that you really do *understand* and speak from experience. Sue, I like your idea of showing off a well earned scar, you go girl!

Right now I'm feeling pretty fortunate to live in a place and a time where there are good remedies for what I have and that soon I'll be getting what I need to start feeling better again!

Phillis, yes, thank you, I have scoured the valve selection threads and learned a great deal, it is a treasure trove of information. Right now I'm leaning towards a tissue valve for a few reasons one of which is that while my aortic valve is ok'ish now, it likely will need surgery in the future too so I think I have a fairly low chance of escaping a repeat OHS. At my age & lifestyle it's a tough choice either way. But, like I said before, I feel fortunate to have these choices. Either will be a vast improvement over how I feel now.

Hi Ruth,

Congratulations on getting your date for surgery. That is one big step forward. looks as though you are doing your homework on valve selection. so you will be making an informed choice. Certainly seems to make sense to "go tissue" if it appears likely you will need another OHS in the future anyway.

Don't stress out about the scar. I was initially very self conscious about it, but then developed Sue's attitude about having earned it. And later on I realized that it was becoming almost invisible, anyway! And there are several good makeups (speciality for scars) that will help it disappear for special occasions...or all the time, if you wish.

Good luck on your surgery, will be looking for posts from you from the other side of the mountain....and good luck to you too Todd....also looking for posts from you!