Dangers if Taking Suppliments

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Everyone,

A friend posted this infomation on the WEbMD heart disease site, and I thought I would share it with everyone here. It has some interesting information.


Dangers of supplements......
by Cardiostar (WebMD), on 3/22/2002 5:42:44 AM


Scannin' the Chicago Sun-Times

Page 35

Mix of heart drugs, supplements poses risk

March 21, 2002

By Brad Evenson

Nearly 75 percent of heart patients use some kind of alternative medicine and a third of those choose products that can cause FATAL interactions with their cardiac drugs, according to a new survey.

Dietary supplements made up of such innocuous ingredients as garlic, fish oil and ginseng can cause internal bleeding and surgical complications if combined with some medications.

The survey was to be presented Wednesday at an American College of Cardiology meeting in Atlanta.

The statistics have prompted researchers to begin a wider investigation including questions about intake of such beverages as red wine and green tea, which can interfere with blood clotting.

----?"Heart patients seem to be turning to alternative therapies even more than the general population, even while they stick to mainstream drugs too," said Eva Kline-Rogers, the University of Michigan nurse practitioner who coordinated the study of 145 patients.

----?On their own, many dietary supplements such as fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, are considered to be part of a healthy diet.

The problem is that many can also thin the blood, so the blood becomes dangerously short of proteins that cause clotting.

Research shows this can cause stomach or intestinal bleeding, and may prevent healing after surgery.

Similarly, many of the most common prescriptions for heart patients, aspirin, Coumadin® (warfarin) and Plavix® (clopidogrel), are used to thin the blood and prevent clots from forming in blood vessels, which reduces the risk of a subsequent heart attack or stroke.

Millions take such drugs every day and must be monitored to ensure their dosage does not make their blood too thin.

When patients combine drugs that prevent clotting with foods that also prevent clotting, the consequences can be LETHAL.

----?Doctors suspect the new findings may explain some previously MYSTERIOUS deaths of heart patients.

"We need to encourage patients to be CAUTIOUS, LEARN the RISKS, and SHARE information with their health care providers," Kline-Rogers said.

Heart drugs are not the only ones that interact with herbs, vitamins and other products.

For example, some AIDS drugs do not work properly in combination with St. John's wort, a natural anti-depressant.

Tom Van Horne, a Dallas cardiologist, said the survey findings may explain some mysterious cases he has treated.

"We had one lady taking a low dose of Coumadin® who had a DISASTROUS bleed," he said.

"When she died, we pored over our records to see what could have caused it.

But looking back, I know she was a real health-food enthusiast. That could have caused it."

- National Post




Always talk to your doctor (not someone on a message board or in a chat room) before taking any supplements and please tell your present doctor(s) and any future ones what you are taking besides prescription drugs.

Many thanks for reading this message. Have a good upcoming weekend.

Take care

Thank You Rob

My Sister-in-law is always trying to get me to take alternative supplements. She's basically a vegetarian and absolute health food nut, that understands next to nothing about our prescriptions or conditions.

I'm going to print this up for her, so that she can see that, "Yes, there can be dangers" since she doesn't like to hear it from myself or my wife.
I couldn't agree with that article more. Joe has been warned several times not to take anything, even vitamins and he adheres to that faithfully. His conditions are complicated enough without some unknown interfering.

We do try to eat healthfully, but in an ordinary way.

I'm the one who takes all the vitamins and stuff, LOL.
re-vitamins(to take or not to take)

re-vitamins(to take or not to take)

Well I am one who used to take it all. I was a weekly shopper at my local vitamin store. When I first saw my Cardio. he was very diffenite about what vitamins or anything I was taking. And after my surgery he again always asks what am I taking. I had to stop taking Gingko for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after, now I take it again with his OK. Your right we really don't know whats in them to risk taking them. I always call his nurse to ask him if it's alright to take a new vitamin or anything else I might start taking. Good information for all of us to read. I agree It's been a long difficult time and I sure don't intend to mess it up with some vitamin. Keep up sending all this good information for us all to read. Syl
Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Remember all those years we heard that vitamin E was great for your heart? Not if you have coronary artery disease. My cardio told me that vitamin E should not be taken if you have CAD. He told me it was okay for me to take CoQ10 and pegasus ginseng.

Rob's right, always check with your doc first.

My brother, whom you might already know is an anesthesiologist, has told patients he won't allow their surgeries if they have been taking gingko or st. john's wort because of bleeding problems! He really wants them off all herbs for 2 weeks before the surgery. Wow!

Before my surgery I went to an MD who specializes in vitamin and nutritional therapies, I never would have attempted it on my own, or on the advice of a clerk at a health food store. Some of these suppliments also reduce effectiveness of your meds and you'd never know it.

Thanks Rob!
Hi Mara,

I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Vit "E" issue you mentioned if someone has CAD. I take 400 iu's of "E" a day, have been for 2 years, and my INr is fine, but was curious as to what other things Vit "E" may be doing that might be harmful, if I have a connective tissue disorder.


hi rob and everyone!
thanks so much for those informative tips. always good to know. i e-mailed it to my dad who is also a coumadin taker and has high cholesterol (so i know he takes other stuff). wish i could get him to come on board.
thanks again. hope you're all well,
Vit. E

Vit. E

The cardio told me that there was new info out that people with coronary artery disease (like older folks who have clogged arteries and have had by-pass) should stay away from vitamin E. this was in the context of vitamins and suppliments generally. I told him I was taking CoQ10 and pegasus ginseng. Both of which he said were okay for me, then he said generally that vitamin E was thought to be great for hearts and now there is this new info that if you have coronary artery disease you should stay away from it. He only said coronary artery disease so i don't know about other things.
Thankfully I don't have CAD, but I know people with heart problems that take vit E. I just thought it was weird, after all these years hearing that vitamin E is great for you and now this.