Dangerous Drought

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Please pray for substantial rain in the southeast U.S. Georgia and Alabama are experiencing the worst drought in recorded history. We live on a hydro-electric dammed- not damned (no pun intended) lake. The lake is 25 feet below winter pool. There are areas of the lake that you can actually walk across on dry land. We are using sink and tub water to water our plants. When bathing, we lather our hair and body, turning off the water as we lather- (brr, it's beginning to get cool) then rinse off quickly. There is rain in the forcast for this week and so very thankful for it. However, we need much, much more. So, your prayers would be so much appreciated from all of us here in the deep south. God Bless!!!
I'm thinking Granbon did something to tick off the creator. All kidding aside, my prayers are with you.
We now have an 18" deficit!!! Water is being rationed. People are getting ticketed for watering their lawns.....I have never seen it this dry:( I have been trying out my rain dance but it is not working:confused: :confused:
we, too, in the panhandle of Fl (30 MI SO OF Alabqama line) are very, very low. We did have that storm that came through last week and got 10 inches and rain this morning which helped a whole lot, but the level is probably 20 inches below what it should be. My cousin in Athens (Ga) had his well go dry. Daughter lives in Sharpsburg (really part of S Atlanta). It will take years for Lake Lanier to come back up. Big trouble.
We have had rain all day.:) :) Nice/slow..and more for the next 3 days..:) :) .Not nearly enough..:( ..About Atlanta..40 years ago..Outside of Atlanta..maybe 10 miles north..were all farms..Now, 40 years later..all subdivisions..:eek: Industral parks..Condos, ect. going all the way to Gainesville, Ga.....many new malls, ect...and no one was thinking about this worse drought in 100 years..:eek: . Lake lanier was full...many expensive homes, marinas were built..now, these homes with their private docks..are sitting(docks) on dry land..There is NO place on the Lake to to put in boats..all boats ramps are closed...No Bass touraments, ect..so this is affecting..many...bait shops, ect....Marinas (cannot sell gas)...I know..for son was able to take his Pontoon out 1 month ago. found one boat ramp..It was scary..told him to lets go back. not worth hitting a stump...:eek: . We are lucky..our gated community has their own well.but we are doing our part..trying to help out with the local small farms down below us..Their wells are running dry.:( Many raise a few herds of Cows. for extra income..was so glad to se their little streams with the rain we had today..cows standing all around. bonnie
God is Sooo Good!!!

God is Sooo Good!!!

There must be a lot of belief in prayer here at VR.com. And God surely must have heard those prayers from all of you since yesterday. After I posted asking for prayer, it rained within the hour - not much, but it RAINED!! Then, this morning and even as I type, it is absolutely pouring!! This is the most rain I've seen since last winter. Thank you VR family and Thank you sweet Jesus!! Love ya'll!!
oh, my, you didn't doubt, did you! :p We, too, got up to rain and it's still splinkly out there. It wont be much more than a drop for Lake Lanier, but every drop counts, right?
2nd day of rain for us..:D ..All of North Georgia getting it..Just saw where a huge line is coming thruWest Georgia..but with wind..:( This line could toppled some trees (so weak from drought):eek: ..but anything North of Atlanta will help feed into Lake Lanier ..streams feed into rivers..rivers feed into Lake Lanier..(our river..chatahoochie..meets the Soque down the road and they combined go into the Northern part of lake lanier.:) :) Supposeto have 2 more days of rain.:) Bonnie
Ya know ... one would think, with all of the technology we have these days, that someone would've developed a way to get water in flooded areas to places experiencing drought and fires.....


Glad ya'll had some rain....hope you get more. Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course.

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"I'll meet you in between" ... Tanya Tucker ... 'Lizzie And The Rainman'
Hubby read our rain gauge..Got 2 inches in past 3 days..:) Hope those 2 inches ran down into Lake lanier..:D Our Georgia governor is really mad..at the corp of engineers..saying if it rained for 2 weeks on top of lake lanier..they would still let the water out..flowing down for endangered species..mussels..in Alabama .??He said, he had talked to the Alabama governor and their industries down there are in good shape (ones on the river).for water............At least this 3 day rain helped the farmers, watering their fields./filling their wells a little, ect..and for us..that live on top of a mountain...wetting down all our dry leaves, ect..for fear of a fire..Bonnie
Drought in Australia as well

Drought in Australia as well

Eastern Australia has also been having below average rain fall and this has now been going on for close to 10 years. Melbourne has had restrictions on outdoor water usage for several years now. The water storages are only at 40% capacity and we are heading into summer. :( The major irrigated agricultural region is even worst with water storage at 20% of capacity.
It is getting so bad that the various state governments are building desalination plants to process sea water so the major cities don't run out of water. :(
We also got some much needed rain. I think the gauge had about 2 inches in it. We are on a Well and we have also been trying to conserve water. Last week I had a few small stones in the water I ran for my bath. That really worries me.
and then it turned cold! we had 39 this morning. brrr so suddenly. yesterday it didn't get past 52 til after lunch. the day before it was very warm! Well, Florida is that way.