cut blood?

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Yep ..I stepped on something..small cut..normally I bleed like a stuck pig :eek: ,not on my foot!! Lack of circulation has some drawbacks I guess.
Doc still hasnt said what they will do with my legs, grafting is pretty much out of the question, havent anything left to graft!:eek: ,kind of reminds me of a Stephen King short story..where a surgeon is shipwrecked , and to stay alive he is slowly amputating his own body parts and consuming them..gruesome story...:eek: .
Still feeling down, havent posted much. Still love , care and worry about everyone. Just cant verbalize it I guess. Please forgive the pup
Your a mystery more so then I. How come? Your aloud to let out what's bugging you and allow others to help ya know. ;)
I know Ross, but all my life Ive never really complained much. This disease makes me feel like a crybaby... I dont wish to sound like this so I guess I hold it in.
So many here have comforted me ,and I havent any way to show my graditude.. I am just down.
I do have a new wheel chair, so maybe I can get out more now.When the claudication hits me (about 150 feet walking distance) , dosent matter where I am dont enjoy it... I just want to cry, it is that bad.. See I am a crybaby...:eek:
I'm not sure what ails you but wahtever it is I hope you get better. Sounds like you need some family to cheer you up, well here we are what can we do for you today to make you feel better, just ask and you shall receive.:)
Thankyou Randy. I will tell you later what ails me, ok? Trust dont want to get me started..:p
Yaps, sounds pretty much like you are in 'lock down' and that ain't fun. I hope the wheelchair will allow you some freedom. I just can't imagine cutting your foot (well, except the Tennessee Ernie type) and not bleeding. I hope you get to feeling happier. And no more grafting.