ctyguys surgery 2/29!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
FIrst time posting on this site, just found it a few days ago. Tomorrow is my big day ! I only found out that I even had an issue a mere two weeks ago. But after a followup at that Cleveland Clinic it was evident that I have a Bicuspid Aortic valve with pretty severe stenosis. Im 42, lift weights, do cardio several times a week and eat pretty well. Mechanical is the obvious choice for me as I only want this surgery once. My surgeon says he does about 300 valve related surgeries a year and he told me yesterday that he is strongly recommending the On-X valve. He said that if he needed this procedure that he would demand this valve. All I have read thus far has been very good and it sounds like clinical studies that have recently started may allow folks with an On-X valve have a lower Coumadin dosage in the future. So Im going with the On-X and an pretty confident about a positive outcome. Once Im back on my feet I will check back to see what you chose ! Good luck!
go bucks

go bucks

Another Buckeye:D

I'm also from Columbus. Who is your surgeon and what hospital?
ctyguy said:
FIrst time posting on this site, just found it a few days ago. Tomorrow is my big day ! I only found out that I even had an issue a mere two weeks ago. But after a followup at that Cleveland Clinic it was evident that I have a Bicuspid Aortic valve with pretty severe stenosis. Im 42, lift weights, do cardio several times a week and eat pretty well. Mechanical is the obvious choice for me as I only want this surgery once. My surgeon says he does about 300 valve related surgeries a year and he told me yesterday that he is strongly recommending the On-X valve. He said that if he needed this procedure that he would demand this valve. All I have read thus far has been very good and it sounds like clinical studies that have recently started may allow folks with an On-X valve have a lower Coumadin dosage in the future. So Im going with the On-X and an pretty confident about a positive outcome. Once Im back on my feet I will check back to see what you chose ! Good luck!
Welcome to the site; glad you found it. Hoping all goes well for you. Take care and post again.
Wished we'd of known before today. You didn't get a proper welcome and such. Well good luck! We'll see you when it's over and then we can do things proper. :)
Good luck and do keep us posted. Welcome to the site. It is wonderful and I hope you will stay with us after your surgery and give us the benefit of your experience.
Ctyguy....does your Dr travel to perform surgeries? im concidering putting in a want add for a good Dr for a mitral valve in need.im just joking about the add,really glad you found the site with all the greatest informative most wonderful people you meet here.all the best to your surgery my thoughts and prayers go out to comfort you. Keep us posted

Thanks All

Thanks All

I want to thank you all for the kind wishes. This site has really helped me, especially today, lots of anxiety and nerves to deal with. To Warrenr, fellow buckeye. Im at the Cleveland Clinic and my Surgeon is Gosta Pettersson. I hope he doesn't mind me posting his name but I feel absolutely blessed to have him. Based on the research I did and on the conversations I've had with folks at the clinic he is absolutely a gifted surgeon. Everyone tells me I couldn't be in better hands and I believe it. Google his name and you will see the breadth of his expertise. I also promise to post on here again as soon as Im able, hopefully in a few days when I get to a room.
Welcome to our wonderful community. You are in excellent spirits considering that you just got hammered with this news. And you should be optimistic! This is a very survivable situation and you are quite possibly at the best hospital in the world! But it's also quite normal to be anxious. You have lots of company there!

You may find that you have even more questions/concerns as you go through recovery, so please stay with us. Never hesitate to ask us anything. We are not doctors, but we have all been through this in one way or another.

Good choice, by the way. On-X is all the rage now so GO WITH CONFIDENCE!!!

See you on the other side! Best wishes!!

GOOD LUCK, ctyguy!

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

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good luck and best wishes for a smooth and boring recovery; come back later and let us know how you are doing. You seem to have a real positive attitude about this, and that really helps. I read your profile, you'll probably feel better after it's all over, no more dizzy spells and so on, and at your age and good health, you should do wonderfully !
Must of been quite a shock for you but kind of good that you have not had to wait long, the waiting can be a nightmare in its self. Wishing you the very best of luck for a good surgery, come back and lets us know how you got on. take care.
What a whirlwind you've had...I agree with Paula, at least you don't have to sit in the 'waiting room'. It sounds like you are also in the best of hands...I look forward to hearing your 'after-posts'.

Thoughts & prayers are with you,



At least you had little time to stress out about it. Waiting is hell.
All the best wishes and prayers I can think of go out to you.
Just came across this thread. At this point, all I can say is I hope everything went well for you today, and I look forward to hearing from you when you feel like posting again. All best wishes...