Cough and Beta Blockers

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I also have a cough from (I guess) Toprol XL. At least that is what I am blaming it on. It is worse in the morning when I wake up. I was at the dentist this week for a cleaning, and she had to stop 3 times so I could drink some water. Are you extremely dry in the mouth?
My husband has never mentioned a dry mouth -- the cough to him seemed to originate in his chest (indicating the bronchospams listed as a side effect) -- not from his throat or skipping heart beats.
He feels more sluggish especially during exercise on the Carvedilol than on the metoprolol -- possibly the edema adding to the normal BB sluggishness.

I would've predicted that just because carvedilol is not cardio-selective. I'm going to make a thread about beta blockers soon... i'm going to talk about alternatives, the side effects that apparently the doctors don't know about and stuff like that. Some of it will be based on hard facts and alot of it will just be from my observations of the damned drug.
Aaron, looking forward to reading your summation of these drugs. I am fighting a cough I've re-developed and can't seem to get rid of it, but it is less now that I dropped Altace and went to Azor. Better; not gone.
Cday- My cough comes from the chest. I sound like I have something deep in the chest at times. I see the cardo next week, and I am going to talk to him about it again. He insisted I stay on it.
Just wanted to thank cday for this thread. Didn't want to hijack it for my own problems, but it has helped me become aware of this problem (apparently becoming chronic) I have of having a cough after eating., esp certain foods. I almost am hoping it IS a med that I can change. It could be also what Jim P pointed out in this thread, the narrowing that would require an endoscopy. Sure don't relish that possibility. I have an appointment Sept. 12 with my cardio for pre-knee surgery clearance, and will mention it to him.

Anyway, thanks again for this very informative thread.
Just wanted to thank cday for this thread. Didn't want to hijack it for my own problems, but it has helped me become aware of this problem (apparently becoming chronic)

Glad the thread is helpful to others, too. I certainly never felt hijacked.

I sound like I have something deep in the chest at times. I see the cardo next week, and I am going to talk to him about it again. He insisted I stay on it.

Sounds like a similar issue. Side effects stink! I hope the doc is willing to try to adjust the dose.

Let me sum up: First, Chris has never had HBP so that may make a huge difference with what the doc is willing to do. The Cardio changed the med from metoprolol to carvedilol and the cough subsided. But that caused a significant amount of edema -- the cardio reduced the meds to once a day (Chris was already on the lowest dosage). Things are much improved.

Just wanted to thank cday for this thread. Didn't want to hijack it for my own problems, but it has helped me become aware of this problem (apparently becoming chronic) I have of having a cough after eating., esp certain foods. I almost am hoping it IS a med that I can change. It could be also what Jim P pointed out in this thread, the narrowing that would require an endoscopy. Sure don't relish that possibility. I have an appointment Sept. 12 with my cardio for pre-knee surgery clearance, and will mention it to him.

Anyway, thanks again for this very informative thread.

SB, my coughing after eating has subsided since I mostly eliminated milk and wheat from my diet. It seems to be a minor food allergy for me.
I was put on Lopressor post op (7/15/08) and developed a cough similar to what I experienced as a side affect of Zestril (when I was on it years ago). I immediately blamed the Lopressor. Although I was suffering from respiratory issues post op, I thought the cough was drug related. The fact that a tube was sticking down my throat didn't occur to me either. I was just mad that everytime I coughed, I felt like my chest was about to open like a clam! Needless to say, after about four weeks (which seemed like four years), the cough went away and I am still on Lopressor.
mine, too. way down deep. It's embarrassing when I can't stop - esp in church.

after this whole thread appeared, I quit taking Altace and reverted to Azor. Began taking atenolol (25mg/day) again, too. The cough has not ceased completely but has subsided substantially.

Today I went to cardio who confirmed that Altace is a great cough causer and he agreed the change was a good one. He said Azor can also cause it and we will give it some time before making a change again.

So, I guess we on bp meds need reminding from time to time about the cough. I knew it but forgot til this thread came along. Thanks