Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 9-28

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Yes it is that time again!! Time for all good little ?losers? to step up and get weighed.:D ;) I am starting this Friday?s thread early, my butt is whipped and if I wait until tonight I will most likely fall asleep before I can get it started. Good Luck and good losing (cornpone:eek:) .......Cooker
I posted mine this a.m....I think it got lost.:p Since no one congratulated me.:( :D :p ..but I finally loss another pound....Took 2 weeks to do it..:eek: ..Total weight loss in 1 month..shy 3 days....5 lbs..:D :D ..All loss. no gain..Nice and Easy..No tough exercising....just normal walking..No starving myself..just eliminating..all fast-take out food..White bread, sugar.. (not a sweet person)..really I am..just not keen on sweetstuff.:p ........5 lb loss times 3 more months...20 lbs by Xmas...:) Hope I can stay the course with the help of my diet-group...then maintain the loss. with my life-changes.Bonnie
Granbonny said:
I posted mine this a.m....I think it got lost.:p Since no one congratulated me.:( :D :p ..but I finally loss another pound....Took 2 weeks to do it..:eek: ..Total weight loss in 1 month..shy 3 days....5 lbs..:D :D ..All loss. no gain..Nice and Easy..No tough exercising....just normal walking..No starving myself..just eliminating..all fast-take out food..White bread, sugar.. (not a sweet person)..really I am..just not keen on sweetstuff.:p ........5 lb loss times 3 more months...20 lbs by Xmas...:) Hope I can stay the course with the help of my diet-group...then maintain the loss. with my life-changes.Bonnie


You're like those homemade blueberry preserves I buy at the local orchard -- all natural, sweet as is -- no sugar added (and none necessary).

Weigh :) to go on your Throw-Down loss! :)
My report for this week....
No gain...No loss....which is great considering we had a birthday choccy-cake etc....the exercise on my cross-trainer does seem to have firmed my tummy a bit so that is really good and a flatter tummy is what I am aiming for, I dont mind what the scales say as long as the muffin-top is gone!

This week was up and then down which is not the way to do it. I am determined not to to have to play catch up (or down) this week. Friday is international date night, we always go out to a nice dinner. The problem is I have not been stopping with Friday, the last few weeks it has rolled over into Sunday:eek: which makes it tough to show a loss for the week. I know that body weight fluctuates and it is unrealistic to expect a multi-pound loss every week. But I want what I want when I want it, and I want it NOW:D :p :D ...........that's just the way I am.

I am very happy with my weight loss and very grateful to all of you. I never would have made it this far without you. Thanks!!!

Starting weight.................233
Last Week...........................215
This Week............................213
Total weight loss.................20:D
Unfortunately, I have to report a gain this week. :( I'm up one pound from last week, which puts me at 136. But I still have a total loss of 6 pounds, so at least there's that. Now that the packing has ended and I'm not carrying heavy boxes all afternoon I need to get back to the gym. That much is clear. Now the question remains, WHEN??? I'm still UNpacking, but that doesn't seem to be as much of a workout as the other. At least the gym in on my way home now. That should make it relatively easy to stop on the way home, work out for 30-45 minutes, then go home and shower. I think I'm going to add weight machines to my workout, since I saw the greatest weight loss when I was doing a lot of heavy lifting... I hear that's the best way to lose, rather than cardio (which I'll still do some of).

Thanks for being here for the support. I would probably have quit by now if it weren't for you guys!
Gnusgal said:
Unfortunately, I have to report a gain this week. :( I'm up one pound from last week, which puts me at 136. But I still have a total loss of 6 pounds, so at least there's that. Now that the packing has ended and I'm not carrying heavy boxes all afternoon I need to get back to the gym. That much is clear. Now the question remains, WHEN??? I'm still UNpacking, but that doesn't seem to be as much of a workout as the other. At least the gym in on my way home now. That should make it relatively easy to stop on the way home, work out for 30-45 minutes, then go home and shower. I think I'm going to add weight machines to my workout, since I saw the greatest weight loss when I was doing a lot of heavy lifting... I hear that's the best way to lose, rather than cardio (which I'll still do some of).

Thanks for being here for the support. I would probably have quit by now if it weren't for you guys!

Hey Niki! 6 Pounds is great!!!!:)
So far.....

Starting weight 183
Today's weight 174
Total loss -9 I will take it:) :) Have a great weekend everyone!!!! Deb
Great job everyone! My weight is the same as it was Tuesday at the neurosurgeon's office so 187 is my starting weight. It's the last time I hope to see a number that large. Everyone have a good week. Rob, you especially!
I'm not going to lie - I briefly considered lying and saying I was the same as last week. But I can't lie to you kids.

159 official starting weight
last week 155
this week 156
gain of 1 pound this week
over all loss 3 pounds.

Without getting all "female" on y'all, I know why I have that extra pound this week.:eek: At least I'm hoping that's it.

I think I've taken over Bonnie's stahl.
Fessing up

Fessing up

Oh heck, everyone else is being straightforward when there is gain and pain:

So the dog didn't eat my scales: I am up 2 pounds this week. 41st anniversary, daughter's birthday, and doing work for four different clients, I have been on the go all week, making it hard to regulate the diet. Excuses, excuses... :p (At least being busier than ever is proof of life after OHS and after age 65.)

I did come across an interesting aid at Barnes & Noble yesterday -- a journal called Dietminder. Can record every day (including the calories, fat grams, carbs etc etc if you want to) what you eat at each meal and snacks. Also any supplements taken, any exercise. Even the 8oz glasses of water consumed. Record your goals and see how you are doing. Has extra space where I am recording my blood sugar. Of course you could do this with a plain notepad rather than shelling out $14. But this has extra info about food, and I think it will help motivate me.

So I hope to have better numbers to report next Friday.

Weight July 30: 272 (I started before the Throw-Down so I will use this as baseline.)

Current weight: 261

Change: -11

Change in past week: +2
RobHol said:
Oh heck, everyone else is being straightforward when there is gain and pain:

So the dog didn't eat my scales: I am up 2 pounds this week. 41st anniversary, daughter's birthday, and doing work for four different clients, I have been on the go all week, making it hard to regulate the diet. Excuses, excuses... :p (At least being busier than ever is proof of life after OHS and after age 65.)

I did come across an interesting aid at Barnes & Noble yesterday -- a journal called Dietminder. Can record every day (including the calories, fat grams, carbs etc etc if you want to) what you eat at each meal and snacks. Also any supplements taken, any exercise. Even the 8oz glasses of water consumed. Record your goals and see how you are doing. Has extra space where I am recording my blood sugar. Of course you could do this with a plain notepad rather than shelling out $14. But this has extra info about food, and I think it will help motivate me.

So I hope to have better numbers to report next Friday.

Weight July 30: 272 (I started before the Throw-Down so I will use this as baseline.)

Current weight: 261

Change: -11

Change in past week: +2

All that going on and only 2 pounds up!!!!! Bob, great job! We can have a two or three pound swing just getting out of bed:eek: :D
Well, Cindy and I both gained a pound. We have gone up again. :eek:

Most of the week was really OK, but last night we had a spur of the moment invite to Longhorn's Steakhouse with Galen & Christina (son and daughter-in-law). Being a mom longing to spend time with her son, Cindy wanted to go. We were tired, had dealt with stress earlier in the day, and didn't make good choices (chicken fingers, fries...Cindy had baked sweet potato in place of fries).

So without further insult, I'm just leaving it at this....we gained a pound each.


We are "on" the WW diet, but does anyone have any wisdom (being asked for by a Wise :rolleyes: ) about how to jump start our weight loss/attitude this week. I do know about water and exercise, which we have been lagging in. I don't really mean a full blown fad thing, but sensible things that might help. We probably know the answers deep down, but our brains feel like mud right now.

Wise & Cindy
Wise said:
Well, Cindy and I both gained a pound. We have gone up again. :eek:

Most of the week was really OK, but last night we had a spur of the moment invite to Longhorn's Steakhouse with Galen & Christina (son and daughter-in-law). Being a mom longing to spend time with her son, Cindy wanted to go. We were tired, had dealt with stress earlier in the day, and didn't make good choices (chicken fingers, fries...Cindy had baked sweet potato in place of fries).

So without further insult, I'm just leaving it at this....we gained a pound each.


We are "on" the WW diet, but does anyone have any wisdom (being asked for by a Wise :rolleyes: ) about how to jump start our weight loss/attitude this week. I do know about water and exercise, which we have been lagging in. I don't really mean a full blown fad thing, but sensible things that might help. We probably know the answers deep down, but our brains feel like mud right now.

Wise & Cindy

I jump started with a week and a half of low to no carb. This may or may be for you. Now I am just cutting WAY back.
Typical day:

Breakfast: fruit
Lunch: soup and fruit.
Dinner: salad, soup and a small portion of protein.

Good luck!!