Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 4-11

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I hope everyone has had a good and successful week:) ....I am on plan, now:rolleyes: ....Still fighting the dreaded ....yo yo:eek: ...I'm not losing ground so maybe it is just that I am on a plateu....I will hit it hard and heavy this coming week and see if I can break the cycle....I have eleven days before my trip to Amish land and would like to lose three to five pound by then......Keep your spirits up and your weight down:D :D :D
Ah, the dreaded yo-yo effect. The way I look at it, a year ago I was 40 lbs heavier. I lost that by Xmas time and even though I've been fighting with the same 2 lb yo-yo since then. I have NOT regained the rest of those 40 lbs. I've kept it off for several months.
I'm just trying to maintain. I've lost a pound from last week. This morning some nasty storms moved in before 4 a.m. and I had 2 cups of coffee while watching the radar before I remembered to weigh myself!
You haven't lived until an 80 pound dog stomps on you in the wee hours. We don't need a weather alert radio with him around. :D
oops! time to get back to work.
AgilityDog said:
I'm just trying to maintain. I've lost a pound from last week. This morning some nasty storms moved in before 4 a.m. and I had 2 cups of coffee while watching the radar before I remembered to weigh myself!
You haven't lived until an 80 pound dog stomps on you in the wee hours. We don't need a weather alert radio with him around. :D
oops! time to get back to work.
I didn't realize we were so close! I live in Allen, TX and was also awakened by the storm and a large dog (mine's "only" 60 pounds) trembling in our faces! It's funny, our 8 pound dog isn't phased by weather at all (except she won't go out in it... she's a priss), but the big one gets VERY agitated and won't calm down until it's over. :eek: Needless to say, we got very little sleep last night. Especially since we've had it the past two nights!

Oh, and congrats on the loss! I hope to be able to report some myself tomorrow morning. I've been eating very healthy this week, but today I've been STARVING all day. I keep munching on stuff everywhere I turn. But at least it's been healthy stuff: carrots, orange, salad, veggie soup, cashews, sushi (pre-made at the grocery store... no soy sauce)... I'm still hungry and thinking of grabbing either some salt-free pretzels or some more cashews... I don't know why I'm so hungry!
Laurie....Way to go!!!....4 pounds YAHOOOOOOO:D :D :D ......I have it on good authority that some of our losers waiting in the wings have been sandbagging:eek: ... Some big losses still to come in tomorrow.....I am afraid I won't be one of them but as usual I will stand up and weigh like a Chimp:p :p
:D Goodmorning significant loss or gain from this side fo the pond. We are moving house so maybe I will be too busy to eat LOL!:D
Not bad but not I'm sticking with the philosophy of the great SumoRunner.....I'm down 34 and have kept if off:) .....The Chimp appears to have gone on an extended plateau:D :D :p

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................198.5
This week....................199
Weekly Change............+.5
Total Loss......................-34
Plateaus are unavoidable... They happen to everyone. But if you stick it out, you'll get past it! You've been doing great, Cooker!

Me, I'm super excited because for the first time in MONTHS I'm able to report a loss!!! Woo-hoo! Here we go:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 135
This week: 133
Week's change: -2
Total change: -9

Next week I'll have my 10 month old nephew staying with me the whole week. I KNOW I'll be getting lots of exercise! :D I can't wait (I go get him tomorrow)!
Gnusgal said:
Plateaus are unavoidable... They happen to everyone. But if you stick it out, you'll get past it! You've been doing great, Cooker!

Me, I'm super excited because for the first time in MONTHS I'm able to report a loss!!! Woo-hoo! Here we go:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 135
This week: 133
Week's change: -2
Total change: -9

Next week I'll have my 10 month old nephew staying with me the whole week. I KNOW I'll be getting lots of exercise! :D I can't wait (I go get him tomorrow)!

Yahoooooo for you:D :D :D ....Great job Niki:D :D
Hi All

Evelyn reporting in. I've been kind of among the missing on this list, but now it's time to get back on track. Just wanted to report I went back to weight watchers yesterday.....that's a biggie because i've just been coasting along and having a wonderful time.

Sooooo, this morning we got out of bed at 6:15, got dressed and walked with the dogos 2 miles. YAAAY. I feel good, too.

I'm back for better or worse. This is a good support group, thanks Cooker.

Great job Laurie and Niki on your losses!

Ton and Tom, great job maintaining!

Evelyn, I'm glad you're back in WW. It's working well for me!

I lost 3 pounds, so I'm down a little more than 8.

I am planning to lose at least 2 next week, but if it's more, I will take it!
:( :( :( :( :(
Holy Cow-and I thought I was being good!

Restart 176
Last week 172
today 173

Bummer-oh well, onward ho...I am still down from last Augusts' hideous 183. Will try to do better this week! You all are doing GREAT!!!! Deb
EVELYN said:
Hi All

Evelyn reporting in. I've been kind of among the missing on this list, but now it's time to get back on track. Just wanted to report I went back to weight watchers yesterday.....that's a biggie because i've just been coasting along and having a wonderful time.

Sooooo, this morning we got out of bed at 6:15, got dressed and walked with the dogos 2 miles. YAAAY. I feel good, too.

I'm back for better or worse. This is a good support group, thanks Cooker.


Welcome back!!! Seems like we are developing quite a WW sub-group:) ...Good luck!!!!
Mary said:
Great job Laurie and Niki on your losses!

Ton and Tom, great job maintaining!

Evelyn, I'm glad you're back in WW. It's working well for me!

I lost 3 pounds, so I'm down a little more than 8.

I am planning to lose at least 2 next week, but if it's more, I will take it!

:D :eek: 3 lbs:eek: :D
Great Job!!!!!
Debster said:
:( :( :( :( :(
Holy Cow-and I thought I was being good!

Restart 176
Last week 172
today 173

Bummer-oh well, onward ho...I am still down from last Augusts' hideous 183. Will try to do better this week! You all are doing GREAT!!!! Deb are doing pound up ain't even a blip on the "weigh-dar":D Hang tough:D
bvdr said:
Ditto for me. I'll take every ounce and be grateful for it.
My restart weight was 179
Last week 177
Today 176
Total loss 3 lbs.

Yahoo Betty!!!....Let's see, 1 lb per week = 52 lbs a year......sounds like a great thing to me:D

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