Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 2-22

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
We weigh in tomorrow and I am sure we will have the same stories?.some will lose, some will gain and some will stay the same?.We have been at this for about six months and I don?t know about you but it has been a blessing to me not to mention loads of fun:) ?..I am still amazed that we continue to chip away at the bulges with such enthusiasm and dedication?.You folks are the best. Thank you for helping me stay the course....Good luck:D
Yay!... I finally have made my scales say I weigh less than last may only be half a kilo or 1lb but as long as it stays off and the trend continues I will be a happy girl...

Has it really been 6 months :eek: ...thats amazing and fabulous that we have all been converted to a healthier lifestyle...

Thanks Cooker for starting us on this jorurney.:D
aussigal said:
Yay!... I finally have made my scales say I weigh less than last may only be half a kilo or 1lb but as long as it stays off and the trend continues I will be a happy girl...

Has it really been 6 months :eek: ...thats amazing and fabulous that we have all been converted to a healthier lifestyle...

Thanks Cooker for starting us on this jorurney.:D

Ton....Great job!!!...But in all humility:rolleyes: I must give SuperBob credit for the idea:D ....I am just a cog in his Super Power Plan to get us all back to healthier eating and exercising:D


Great for you..I am stuck.until this &%^$ weather we have been having in Georgia...gets into Spring weather..:( ...Cold/rain tonight..all day tomorrow..:eek: .I am having fish for dinner and bought a bag of Oranges today to snack on...:) ....I am staying the same..No I am happy..:) ..Just waiting for Spring.:) .Yes, I could have walked in our bad weather..BUT..knew better..Have NOT had even a sniffle all winter..:) NO colds/ect...:) ..Like I have always said..better a little fat than sick..:p .Bonnie
Down one pound this week.... I thought it would be more with all of the walking I've done but looking back there were many culinary liberties taken.... I'll take the pound and move on:)

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................202
This week....................201
Weekly Change............-1
Total Loss......................32:D
Exercise..........walked 30 minutes Monday through Friday
If SUPERBOB stands on the scales just right and blinks his eyes three times, he thinks he sees a .5 loss. He usually rounds those off, but he'll take a halfer this week.

Not much progress. Eat sensibly during the day but then snack stupidly late at night. Planning a Spring Offensive with celery and tip-toes through (actually, around) the tulips. :D
Now just when I say this some will post with a 5 pound loss:D ??The trend seems to be slower weight loss which is normal?.I think. Anytime that I have dieted the first ten or twenty pounds seem to come off pretty quick and easy but the last twenty or thirty (in my case) are a bear!!!.....I keep thinking about the tortoise and the hare and tell myself if I average a three pound loss per month that is thirty six pounds in a year!!! ?.I know that slower is better and points more to a change in lifestyle, for me. I am definitely an instant gratification kind of guy so it is tough at times to except that my goal is a way out:mad: ?..Baby steps?.and unfortunately baby portions:p ...Lets hang tough!!!
cooker said:
I keep thinking about the tortoise and the hare and tell myself if I average a three pound loss per month that is thirty six pounds in a year!!! ?.I know that slower is better and points more to a change in lifestyle, for me.

Here's the thing. Your goal can't be to lose 30-40-50 lbs. You need to set many small, incremental goals. I'm looking to lose 5 lbs. That's all, just another 5. I'll be very happy when I drop the next 5.

Then when I do, I'll say I need to lose 5 lbs. That's all, just 5 more. In less than a year I've dropped a total of 42, but I never looked for 42 lbs, only 5, just give me 5 and I'll be happy.

Now, as you go down each incremental 5, you feel better physically and psychologically and it makes the next 5 look attainable. Oh yeah, I can do 5. I've done 5 just recently. No problem, I know how to do 5.
SumoRunner said:
Here's the thing. Your goal can't be to lose 30-40-50 lbs. You need to set many small, incremental goals. I'm looking to lose 5 lbs. That's all, just another 5. I'll be very happy when I drop the next 5.

Then when I do, I'll say I need to lose 5 lbs. That's all, just 5 more. In less than a year I've dropped a total of 42, but I never looked for 42 lbs, only 5, just give me 5 and I'll be happy.

Now, as you go down each incremental 5, you feel better physically and psychologically and it makes the next 5 look attainable. Oh yeah, I can do 5. I've done 5 just recently. No problem, I know how to do 5.

Jack....good way to look at it....thanks.....I will save the instant gratification for something else:eek: :D
Cooker, my man (er chimp) --- I count only five weigh-ins so far this week. Are some of our stalwarts partying down in Orlando? Are we going to let "the Ref" get away with dropping out? :( :p
No weigh in for me, but a confession - tonight for dinner we took my in-laws out for bbq ribs, baked potato and coleslaw dinners.

But they were SO good. My MIL, who is 85 and eats like a bird most days now, chowed down and ate everything. I think she would have chewed my hand off it I put it over the plate!
Well, its a no change week for me (just) still 120.5kg or 265.5lbs.

BUT (he says in defence) I ate out on Saturday, then ate out on Tuesday, (both unavoidable occasions) then had a three day meeting wed/thur/fri with catering and i may have slipped from my normal saintly eating habbits a little :eek: .

So can't complain.

But, i'm getting frustrated at the slow loss and so have been to the local fitness centre where they also have personal trainers and am considering signing up for a 12 month membership for about $900 australian dollars....i figure if i spend it i'll be motivated to go as the self motivation isn't getting me out and about much at all.

Not sure if i'm going to sign up but currently considering it very very carefully.

I like the fact there are personal trainers mulling around that you can ask questions you can pay extra for a 1/2 hour session with them to give you a kick start.

Watch this space.
I've put off the weigh-in post as long as I could. I'm bummed that I didn't lose this week, but I'll grudgingly concede: at least I have not gained.:eek: I've had a super-busy week working 12 to 16 hours a day to finish (insulate, drywall, paint) a room in our unfinished basement while my husband's out of town for a week. His birthday was Thursday and my gift to him was to make him a wine cellar and uncrate cases of wine into racks and bins and catalog it. I completed the room on Thursday and installed two new bins and one existing rack yesterday as well as filling same and cataloging the newly uncrated wine.

I cannot tell you how physically demanding this task was. Every muscle in my body aches and I even have a sore on my thumb from yielding a drill for hours a day. HOW COULD I NOT LOSE WEIGHT??? It's not as if I spent a lot of time eating either! Just minimal healthy meals. The only thing I can figure is that I actually built some muscle that balanced whatever fat loss was going on.

Okay. Done ranting. Still 151. Better luck to everyone else. (BTW if you all weren't here, I'd probably give up--so thanks!)
PJmomrunner said:
I've put off the weigh-in post as long as I could. I'm bummed that I didn't lose this week, but I'll grudgingly concede: at least I have not gained.:eek: I've had a super-busy week working 12 to 16 hours a day to finish (insulate, drywall, paint) a room in our unfinished basement while my husband's out of town for a week. His birthday was Thursday and my gift to him was to make him a wine cellar and uncrate cases of wine into racks and bins and catalog it. I completed the room on Thursday and installed two new bins and one existing rack yesterday as well as filling same and cataloging the newly uncrated wine.

I cannot tell you how physically demanding this task was. Every muscle in my body aches and I even have a sore on my thumb from yielding a drill for hours a day. HOW COULD I NOT LOSE WEIGHT??? It's not as if I spent a lot of time eating either! Just minimal healthy meals. The only thing I can figure is that I actually built some muscle that balanced whatever fat loss was going on.

Okay. Done ranting. Still 151. Better luck to everyone else. (BTW if you all weren't here, I'd probably give up--so thanks!)

PJ?.I bet it is muscle gain?..Now I suggest you plop down, uncork a bottle or two and shed that heavy muscle mass:D :rolleyes: ;) ...I think most of us would have thrown in the towel if we did not have this thread, I'm sure I would have:eek:
Confession Time

Confession Time

I have not been to PizzaHut in years?.We went last night and was it ever good!!!:D ...Being on Weight Watchers I was a bit guilt struck but I think we did pretty well?.We split a medium hand tossed veggie lover and had a salad?.That was more food than I have had in one sitting in quite a while?..Funny how the mind works,:rolleyes: I thought this morning, well I might as well splurge at lunch today (we have lunch brought it to the dealership every Saturday), two days out of five won?t hurt:eek: ??..I?m having salad:) ??.If I always do what I always did I will always get what I always got?..And I got fat.:D :p
cooker said:
I have not been to PizzaHut in years….We went last night and was it ever good!!!:D ...Being on Weight Watchers I was a bit guilt struck but I think we did pretty well….We split a medium hand tossed veggie lover and had a salad….That was more food than I have had in one sitting in quite a while…..Funny how the mind works,:rolleyes: I thought this morning, well I might as well splurge at lunch today (we have lunch brought it to the dealership every Saturday), two days out of five won’t hurt:eek: ……..I’m having salad:) …….If I always do what I always did I will always get what I always got…..And I got fat.:D :p

Good for you, Cooker! Now, what about the weenie roast? Is it on for tonight? Been making me think about a bonfire and roast out here in the mountains -- when the burning ban is lifted. :)
The doorbell rang about 5 minutes ago. My husband answered it. It was his little Girl Scout with his cookie order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sunk.
Superbob said:
Good for you, Cooker! Now, what about the weenie roast? Is it on for tonight? Been making me think about a bonfire and roast out here in the mountains -- when the burning ban is lifted. :)

The weenie roast has been pushed out two weeks.....Gives me time to lose another pound or two, I hope:D