Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 2-22

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Karlynn said:
The doorbell rang about 5 minutes ago. My husband answered it. It was his little Girl Scout with his cookie order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sunk.

The little darlings came by my house two weeks a go taking orders?.There were two sweet little girls, twins?..I ordered four boxes before I realized I had to order from both of them:eek: ?.Now we are up to eight boxes?..Then the grandmother/escort asked if I would like to buy a box for our troops in Iraq?..I told her to send all eight?.That?s a few pounds I won?t have to work back off:D
Same weight for me..170 lbs..BUT. today..I went to Helen and picked up a rack of ribs, pork/buns and stew..then we drove about 30 minutes away to meet son/d/i/law..camping on our beautiful Lake Burton in North Ga. mountains....they were starving so son wiped out most of ribs.:p along with 2 sandwiches..D/I/Law loves the stew..i had 1 bowl of stew with pork in it..Called Pork Stew..Then we took our 3 dogs for a long walk around the lake...Beautiful blue sky..but cool..Went back to their campsite where son started a huge bonfire. I told them about the weenie=roast..We left at 3 P.M..already getting cold up there in those mountains.:eek: ..I can feel the day in my legs..:eek: but was so nice to be out/about..instead of sitting in house.:p We talked about that Easter is early this year..and going to book another campground for that week...on our local Lake..hopeful that Lake Lanier is getting some more water in it..(sure many have seen it on T.V.)the lake that Atlanta depends on for water..:eek: We have more rain forecast for coming week..but will try to get out and walk more now that Spring is coming..:D Bonnie
Granbonny said:
Same weight for me..170 lbs..BUT. today..I went to Helen and picked up a rack of ribs, pork/buns and stew..then we drove about 30 minutes away to meet son/d/i/law..camping on our beautiful Lake Burton in North Ga. mountains....they were starving so son wiped out most of ribs.:p along with 2 sandwiches..D/I/Law loves the stew..i had 1 bowl of stew with pork in it..Called Pork Stew..Then we took our 3 dogs for a long walk around the lake...Beautiful blue sky..but cool..Went back to their campsite where son started a huge bonfire. I told them about the weenie=roast..We left at 3 P.M..already getting cold up there in those mountains.:eek: ..I can feel the day in my legs..:eek: but was so nice to be out/about..instead of sitting in house.:p We talked about that Easter is early this year..and going to book another campground for that week...on our local Lake..hopeful that Lake Lanier is getting some more water in it..(sure many have seen it on T.V.)the lake that Atlanta depends on for water..:eek: We have more rain forecast for coming week..but will try to get out and walk more now that Spring is coming..:D Bonnie

Bonnie...that all sounds like such a nice time!!!....I am glad, it sounds fun:) ....I had a dismal diet day:mad: :mad: ....not going into details but lets just say tomorrow is a new day:)
Bonnie , you paint a lovely picture of your day in the mountains, sounds like a wonderful outing.

It seems we have a few "losers" awful close to cracking the 200lbs mark...well done big boys!!!!! what an awesome achievement:D
aussigal said:
Bonnie , you paint a lovely picture of your day in the mountains, sounds like a wonderful outing.

It seems we have a few "losers" awful close to cracking the 200lbs mark...well done big boys!!!!! what an awesome achievement:D

SUPERBOB is a big boy who cracked the 200 pound barrier when he was about 12! Thanks, Ton -- SUPERBOB accepts the congratulations. :D :D :D :p :p :p

...uh, oh, you meant cracked it heading the other direction. Oh well.... :p
I know I haven't weighed in. I'm actually out of town right now (will be heading back today)... I'm not sure you'd say yesterday was a GOOD "diet" day or not (probably not). I didn't eat breakfast (we got up too late for the breakfast at the hotel), We ate out for lunch (got a panini and soup, but also ate Italian nachos), then had a milkshake for dinner (not intentional. We got the shakes, then "forgot" to have dinner).

Today we're going out to eat again (of course, since I'm out of town), and most likely tonight I'll pick up something fast. Maybe tomorrow I'll get back on track. :eek: I'm fairly certain the scale hasn't moved (unless it's up). I've been discouraged lately and I KNOW I would have given up if it weren't for this thread. You all keep pulling me back in, and I'm very grateful. I hope to do some walking this week, or at the very least eating better.

(((hugs))) to all of you, for just being here. :D
Gnusgal said:
I know I haven't weighed in. I'm actually out of town right now (will be heading back today)... I'm not sure you'd say yesterday was a GOOD "diet" day or not (probably not). I didn't eat breakfast (we got up too late for the breakfast at the hotel), We ate out for lunch (got a panini and soup, but also ate Italian nachos), then had a milkshake for dinner (not intentional. We got the shakes, then "forgot" to have dinner).

Today we're going out to eat again (of course, since I'm out of town), and most likely tonight I'll pick up something fast. Maybe tomorrow I'll get back on track. :eek: I'm fairly certain the scale hasn't moved (unless it's up). I've been discouraged lately and I KNOW I would have given up if it weren't for this thread. You all keep pulling me back in, and I'm very grateful. I hope to do some walking this week, or at the very least eating better.

(((hugs))) to all of you, for just being here. :D

Niki.....I was in town and had a diet blow out Saturday:eek: ....Sounds to me like you did well for being on the road....We all have times when the towel is close to being thrown in.......hang in there....we will all make it.....Charge!!!!:) :)
I weighed Friday but never got to post. Bad day at work. I stayed the same 126 lbs. I brought Slim Fast to drink for breakfast this week and I am only eating lunch out twice this week. We are going on vacation in 2 weeks. I need to lose a few pounds before then because I always gain about five pounds on vacation. Buffets and free drinks for a week.
terryj said:
I weighed Friday but never got to post. Bad day at work. I stayed the same 126 lbs. I brought Slim Fast to drink for breakfast this week and I am only eating lunch out twice this week. We are going on vacation in 2 weeks. I need to lose a few pounds before then because I always gain about five pounds on vacation. Buffets and free drinks for a week.

Hi Sue....staying the same is a victory some weeks;) ....Be careful....if you try to lose to quickly (like getting ready for vacation) sometimes the body will think it is starving and retain water and you won't show a loss....Cut back a bit but increase your exercise....walk more.....Good luck.
No victory here. Gained 3 pounds. But I haven't exercised or been watchful of diet in 2 months so serves me right. Can feel the tug on clothes even with just 3 pounds. My knee is a mess and I'm resting it now which is just when I wanted to push ahead abit with my routine. Grrrrrrr. So I'm very frustrated.

But it's now monday and I'm feeling good about what I"ll shop for at the grocery store, how I"ll exercise around my stupid bum knee until it's better, and how I can count on my friends here to listen to me whine.

I like mondays. Fresh start.

I was good at the Oscar Party we went to last night (if you don't count the 7 brownies I ate after I made them to take to the party!! :eek: :p ). They were little. :rolleyes: I drank water and had no hors deurves, only salad and a bit of casserole for dinner. And I even won 3 of the prizes (they are not going to invite me next year.. ;) ...went home with $40 and a DVD!!). Fun does not have to include liquor or tons of food and luck is a wonderful ingredient!

Okay. Make me honest this week. I will choose healthy, I will choose healthy, I will choose healthy. I will move SOMETHING! I will move EVERYTHING but my knee! I will start moving again!!


:) Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
No victory here. Gained 3 pounds. But I haven't exercised or been watchful of diet in 2 months so serves me right. Can feel the tug on clothes even with just 3 pounds. My knee is a mess and I'm resting it now which is just when I wanted to push ahead abit with my routine. Grrrrrrr. So I'm very frustrated.

But it's now monday and I'm feeling good about what I"ll shop for at the grocery store, how I"ll exercise around my stupid bum knee until it's better, and how I can count on my friends here to listen to me whine.

I like mondays. Fresh start.

I was good at the Oscar Party we went to last night (if you don't count the 7 brownies I ate after I made them to take to the party!! :eek: :p ). They were little. :rolleyes: I drank water and had no hors deurves, only salad and a bit of casserole for dinner. And I even won 3 of the prizes (they are not going to invite me next year.. ;) ...went home with $40 and a DVD!!). Fun does not have to include liquor or tons of food and luck is a wonderful ingredient!

Okay. Make me honest this week. I will choose healthy, I will choose healthy, I will choose healthy. I will move SOMETHING! I will move EVERYTHING but my knee! I will start moving again!!


:) Marguerite

Marguerite.....I understand....I am in the third day of a downward spiral:eek: :eek: ....Somebody help me:eek:
Marguerite, Cooker... confession time! I haven't been doing so well either:eek:

My biggest problem continues to be late night snacking. But Marguerite, I'm bringing back the celery as you suggested months ago. Just a light touch of peanut butter to make it palatable. I actually like Mondays and the idea of fresh starts too. :) I would have ditched it all and said the heck with it long ago, if it were not for this thread.
Marguerite - did you HAVE to mention the B word?????? I'm sitting here having cottage cheese and strawberries for lunch and you go and mention the B word.:mad: :p
Power of Suggestion

Power of Suggestion

Okay, Cooker, you've been saying, let's go out for pizza, so I did tonight.

I got "the works" -- mushrooms, green peppers, onions, black olives, banana peppers, and mozzarella cheese, plus ham, sausage, and pepperoni. Bound to be healthful fare, right? :D Lotsa color -- "eat right, eat bright." :)
Superbob said:
Okay, Cooker, you've been saying, let's go out for pizza, so I did tonight.

I got "the works" -- mushrooms, green peppers, onions, black olives, banana peppers, and mozzarella cheese, plus ham, sausage, and pepperoni. Bound to be healthful fare, right? :D Lotsa color -- "eat right, eat bright." :)

Sounds least pizza has some food value....I ate junk ALL day......But I am calling on the powers of SuperBob to slap me back on track....the scales were not as bad as I though they might be.....time to re-group:D
Karlynn said:
Lunch at a Chinese buffet today. Pray for me.

I love Chinese food:D ....I have never found a way to control myself until we found one that had Japanese dishes as well.... I like sushi so I would fill 3/4 of the way up and then have a little of the sodium laced:eek: dishes that I love so will be in my prayers but you better give SuperBob a ring.....never hurts to have a backup:D
I guess my latest trick is to not have any carbs with dinner. We do end up going to the fridge sometimes for a bowl of cottage cheese before retiring from the kitchen, but for the most part, it is really helping. Of course, many of the veggies we choose to have with our small meat portion are carbs, but all in is very helpful. I often eat breakfast for lunch, too. Bowl of cereal with soy milk.

Also, Karlynn. Eat some plain veggies before you go to the buffet. Then you won't load up on so much, you'll be half full!

Nice day. Should go walk. Knee still problematic and I'm babying it a few more days. Will do some upper body here at home...there, I've written it down so now I must go do it!!

Thanks, all!!
