Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-25

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gadgetman said:
ah guess it be time fo' th' BUBBA MODIVATION SPEECH. :rolleyes: :p

Y'all bunch of loosers keep a hangin' in thar. An' stay away fum MacDonalds unless yo' plan on gittin' a wheelbarrow! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Bubba :)

Why am I suddenly no longer haungry?? Mebbe Bubba is hankerin' to be a ThrowDown nutritional speshlist?

Actually sometimes I've thought my belly needed a carryin'.


I saw where the average person takes 5,000 steps a day..and one of my diet sites..said..if you doubled that lose weight..So, today bought one..Omron..the clip on around your hip/legs..I had it on my jeans..and I walked 750 steps..just around inside the house for 2 hours..:p Will be fun to do it a whole day..Son/wife planning on coming for lunch tomorrow..In village and later we are going to drive out and check out a new RV campground not far from where I live..Suppose to be a warm day..BTW. it was located in the diet section of Eckerds..(Rite-Aid)now..and on the package..did recommend walking 10,000 steps a lose weight..Bonnie
I'm running very late this least I have lost 1lb from somewhere 'round my middle YIPPEE!!! better stay lost .

I am a dedicated "carboholic" :eek: ...So I made a special effort when doing the grocery shopping to get extra fruit and vegies this week and NO carb-laden snacks.

Good to see the gang all reporting their weeks efforts...Well done everyone!

Bonnie...I have one of those pedometers too...great for keeping track of how active we are really being...I keep forgetting to clip mine on my belt though.
aussigal said:
I'm running very late this least I have lost 1lb from somewhere 'round my middle YIPPEE!!! better stay lost .

I am a dedicated "carboholic" :eek: ...So I made a special effort when doing the grocery shopping to get extra fruit and vegies this week and NO carb-laden snacks.

Good to see the gang all reporting their weeks efforts...Well done everyone!

Bonnie...I have one of those pedometers too...great for keeping track of how active we are really being...I keep forgetting to clip mine on my belt though.

Good job Ton!! ... I love my carbs and have also been trying to eat more sweet fresh fruits ... oranges, apples and banana's are my favorite and seem to satisfy the carb crave for me ... most of the time:rolleyes:
SUPERBOB fears that his 2 a.m. snacks may not be the best dietary strategy. Hence, this bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats. (Hey, it's got 6 gs of fiber and he uses 1 percent milk!) Nevertheless, he can't go to sleep without the snacking. And 2 a.m. workouts just keep him awake the rest of the night. ;)
RobHol said:
SUPERBOB ... And 2 a.m. workouts just keep him awake the rest of the night. ;)

Perhaps SUPERBOB should meet with his personal trainer and determine a new exercise regime specifically geared toward nocturnal activities. :rolleyes: :D

Oh come on, it was on the tee!:p
Well, we had the monthly Birthday celebration at church last night (Sunday). The ladies bring cakes, pies, fudge ....... you get the picture. And of course these delights are their best efforts and the product of many years perfecting of each recipe. The picture below says all that needs to be said:D
View attachment 5467
Hey, check this out:

Hey, check this out:

I found this on this morning. I'm adopting it for my menu this week. If you're interested, the link to the article that provides a link to the entire menu is below.


A balance of protein-packed meats, fresh produce, and a few versatile extras is all you need to feed yourself well week after week.

Frozen Shrimp1 lb uncooked, medium size

Rotisserie Chicken 1 cooked

Pork Tenderloin1 herb-flavored or lemon-garlic marinated (about 3/4 lb)

Bell Peppers 1 tray tricolor (or pick out 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 orange)

Yellow Onions 2 lb

Baby Mixed Greens 4 oz bag, washed

Portobello Mushrooms 2 large caps

Asparagus 1 bunch

Garlic 1 head

Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto 8 oz jar

Avocado 1 ripe

Mozzarella8 oz bag, shredded

Instant Brown Rice 1 lb box

Black Beans 12 oz can

100% Whole-Wheat Fettuccine 16 oz box

10" 100%Whole-Wheat Tortillas1 package

THE PANTRY LIST Buy these crucial building blocks every couple of months and you'll always have them on hand to construct meals around the clock.

Reduced-fat mayonnaise
Dijon mustard
Low-sodium soy sauce
Peanut butter
Extra-virgin olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Parmesan cheese
Tabasco or other hot sauce


3/4 bunch asparagus (about 8 medium spears)

2 portobello mushroom caps, sliced 1/4" thick

1 medium onion, cut in 1/4"-thick rings

1/2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper

1 rotisserie chicken breast or leg

Preheat the oven to 400F. Remove the woody ends of the asparagus by gently bending each stalk until it breaks — it'll naturally snap off at the right spot. In a baking dish, toss the vegetables with the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 12 to 15 minutes, until the vegetables have developed a light brown crust. Serve half the vegetables with the chicken and a simple mixed-greens salad tossed with olive oil and vinegar. Reserve the other half of the vegetables for other meals this week.

430 calories, 36 grams (g) protein, 18 g carbohydrates, 25 g fat (7 g saturated), 5 g fiber

The next day's lunch


1 c chopped rotisserie chicken (left over from Sunday's dinner)

3 bell peppers

1 clove garlic, minced

1 Tbsp reduced-fat mayonnaise

1 tsp balsamic vinegar

1 whole-wheat tortilla

2 Tbsp shredded mozzarella cheese

1 small handful mixed greens

1 c leftover asparagus, mushrooms, and onions

To chop the chicken, remove the skin and use a fork to pull the meat from the bones. Then place the meat on your cutting board and cut it into bite-size pieces — it should yield about 3 cups' worth. Use 1 cup for the wrap and save the other 2 cups for later in the week. Chop the peppers into 1/2" pieces. They should yield about 4 cups; use 1/2 cup today and save the rest in a plastic bag for dinner.

Mix the garlic, mayonnaise, and vinegar together to make the aioli. Brush the tortilla with the aioli, then put the cheese down the middle, followed by the greens, chicken, and vegetables. To make a tight wrap, fold the bottom of the tortilla up first, then roll it from the side.

400 calories, 43 g protein, 29 g carbohydrates, 15 g fat (4.5 g saturated), 5 g fiber

CONTINUED: Shrimp fajitas and more.
mntbiker said:
Perhaps SUPERBOB should meet with his personal trainer and determine a new exercise regime specifically geared toward nocturnal activities. :rolleyes: :D

Oh come on, it was on the tee!:p

SUPERBOB is scheduling a fitness consultation with his personal trainer this morning. :p Meanwhile, if The Chimp needs rescue from all those cakes and pies prepared by the ladies of the church, he should just call SUPERBOB. :rolleyes:
RobHol said:
Meanwhile, if The Chimp needs rescue from all those cakes and pies prepared by the ladies of the church, he should just call SUPERBOB. :rolleyes:

SuperBob I would have called if I had had a free hand. Unfortunately all four were filled with fine southern delicacies:eek: :eek: :D
How is it going this week?... Good? Not so good?... I am getting more comfortable with Weight Watchers, the point system seems to suit me. I know that counting points is sort of like counting calories but it seem so much easier ... I can not seem to get my exercise on track ... I told myself I was going to walk every day ... I think that was a mistake ... I need to set smaller goals (baby steps), like maybe set a goal of three days a week.... I am up and moving a good bit with my job but I know that is not the same ... I need someone to put their foot in my butt and get me moving:eek: ... TWO more days until weigh in!!! ..Lets see some results!!!!

cooker said:
I told myself I was going to walk every day ... I think that was a mistake ... I need to set smaller goals (baby steps), like maybe set a goal of three days a week....I need someone to put their foot in my butt and get me moving:eek: ... TWO more days until weigh in!!! ..Lets see some results!!!!


Consider yourself in a group of two....i set myself the only goal of getting up early in the morning....once i did that for a few weeks my brain though it would then be logical to move to the next step of getting up AND exercising.....failed.

I'm starting to realise that my mini collapse/faint a few months after surgery has affected me more than i realised...i'm just not happy when the old valve starts tickering at any speed.....and am putting up irrational mental blocks to stop me pushing it.

I'm gonna have to shake it off if i want this weight to drop off in any acceptable time frame...

My wife tried to kick me out of the house to exercise last night and i manipulated her to leave me alone again....

Well i guess a second 0 loss week should be the virtual slap upside the head that i need.
The SUPERDAWG insures that SUPERBOB at least walks every day, or just about, except when it is bitterly cold. But he needs to step it up, and quit snacking so much late at night. May be time to call in the personal trainer again. ;)
Not good at all. We continue to eat out WAY too much (people taking us out for Nathan's birthday. Going out for MIL's birthday...), which means I eat too much and not as healthy (or low sodium) as I would fix at home. I'm also SO tired lately that exercise has not happened at all. I'm hoping to get the results of my thyroid check today. Maybe that will hold some answers. I don't think I can blame water weight completely anymore. I am fairly certain that some of this weight is now fat. :mad: Part of me hopes that my blood work says I DO have thyroid issues. Then I might have an easy fix to my energy problem and I can get to exercising again.
I have been doing better on the eating this week. But, I suck at exercise. My husband gets on his treadmill everynight and everynight when he finishes his 36 minute 2 mile walk he asks if I want to use it. He says he is going to tie me to it one night and make me walk. I hate exercise. I know I need it I just hate it. I am up at 5 every morning,leave the house at 6 for my one hour drive to work,at a job I hate for 9 hours everyday and then an hour drive home. But, I do feel I have lost some this week. I ate Lean Cuisines for lunch and I cooked vegetables for dinner this week.