Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-25

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EVELYN said:
Hi All

EVELYN checking in here. Have been reading about Cooker's throwdown for a few months now, and have "thrown" my weight into the hat.

Joined WWatchers and would like to report I'm 2.4 down from last week. So, that's a really good thing. I'm just trying to exercise (walking the dogs 2 miles a walk, 4 days a week) and especially trying to EAT HEALTHY. One day a week I splurge, but not crazily, and then try to get back on track the next morning.

Today was ww yogurt, banana, and one thing I especially love ....FIBER ONE BARS. They're 2 points, full of fiber, and absolutely delicious. The chocolate and oats definitely satisfy the "c h o c o l a t e gremlin" and I really feel full after for a loong time. They also make a peanut/oats combo, but if given the choice between chocolate and pb, well chocolate wins hands down.

Anyway, if you all want to give them a try, I highly recommend them.

I'm glad I'm joining this second support group.....I'm in it for better or worse.


Hey, Evelyn!
I'm glad you're joining us, and that you have a weight loss to report on your first Friday Throw Down!:)
Thanks for the head-up on the Fiber One bars. I'll pick some up on my next trip to the store.
EVELYN said:
Hi All

EVELYN checking in here. Have been reading about Cooker's throwdown for a few months now, and have "thrown" my weight into the hat.

Joined WWatchers and would like to report I'm 2.4 down from last week. So, that's a really good thing. I'm just trying to exercise (walking the dogs 2 miles a walk, 4 days a week) and especially trying to EAT HEALTHY. One day a week I splurge, but not crazily, and then try to get back on track the next morning.

Today was ww yogurt, banana, and one thing I especially love ....FIBER ONE BARS. They're 2 points, full of fiber, and absolutely delicious. The chocolate and oats definitely satisfy the "c h o c o l a t e gremlin" and I really feel full after for a loong time. They also make a peanut/oats combo, but if given the choice between chocolate and pb, well chocolate wins hands down.

Anyway, if you all want to give them a try, I highly recommend them.

I'm glad I'm joining this second support group.....I'm in it for better or worse.

Welcome Evelyn!!! The more the merrier!!! I started WW on the first of January, I just love it. I could not do the core system but the points are so easy. My wife is in it too and goes to the meetings. My schedule will not allow me to make the meetings so she passes on the information to me.

There is a forum called Boot camp Buddies - Weight Watchers Support Forum. It is set up almost like this forum. I actually went on their chat last night?..very supportive. I was amazed at the different categories it has?.men, women, buddy groups, over (insert weight), by age ? you name it. Check it out, it is worth a look. And you might even find a few friends from here.

Yaaaaa.Dropped that lb gain..:D Back to 169 lbs....9 lb loss. Tried to walk a little more..even tho it was 15 degrees this a.m.:eek: Will walk later..Bonnie
Way to go Bonnie!!! :) Way to go everybody!!!:) You gals and guys are great!! I can't believe I actually look forward to these weigh ins:D ... Even on weeks when I gain or stay the same the karma pumps me up:cool: :cool:

Serenity Through Osmosis:p :p :p
Karlynn, thanks for the information on multivitamins without K.....I guess I'll just have to look in the stores a little harder for them.

Cooker, I agree with you about really looking forward to these Friday check-ins....yesterday I was out walking and I walked an extra 30 or 40 minutes because I knew that today was weigh-in!!!! So....this forum has provided an extra exercise incentive for me also and I'm grateful to you for that.

Have a great week everyone!

My PCP recommended reading and following SUGAR BUSTERS for weight loss. The KEY seems to be to eliminate High Glycemic Index Carbohydrates but maintain High Fiber and Low Glycemic Index Carbohydrates. (I'm just getting started...hope it works!)

VERY INTERESTING information on the effects of Insulin and Glucagon (which promotes burning already stored fat).

'AL Capshaw'
I am up 2 pounds this week. I weighed 127 last week and 129 this week. I have no excuse except my stressful job was even more stressful this week. I didn't eat any real dinner at all last week. I just ate everything in sight. I promise to try harder next week.
terryj said:
I am up 2 pounds this week. I weighed 127 last week and 129 this week. I have no excuse except my stressful job was even more stressful this week. I didn't eat any real dinner at all last week. I just ate everything in sight. I promise to try harder next week.

I understand.....oh boy do I understand!!! Keep some fruit around and eat an apple etc when you stress out......that works better than Snickers.:eek: ...I learned the hard way:D
cooker said:
Hey now!!! Has anyone actually seen me ingest said juice???? No!!! Election year mud slinging !!!!!!:eek: :mad: :eek: :D

SUPERBOB has taken a deposition from that blonde assistant you took across the border with you, and has evidence of the contraband prune juice on the Chimpmobile. :p :D ;)
RobHol said:
SUPERBOB has taken a deposition from that blonde assistant you took across the border with you, and has evidence of the contraband prune juice on the Chimpmobile. :p :D ;)

Have you notice Bina's avatar?????? She's blonde....She apparently loves chimps....and I'm pretty sure she's game for about anything. Canada - yah ....sure....Canada. I'm sure she's at home in Canada.
RobHol said:
SUPERBOB has taken a deposition from that blonde assistant you took across the border with you, and has evidence of the contraband prune juice on the Chimpmobile. :p :D ;)

Press: Mr. it true you took prune juice?
Presichimp: When?
Press: In college.
Presichimp: I may have tried it but I did not swollow:p :p :p
cooker said:
Press: Mr. it true you took prune juice?
Presichimp: When?
Press: In college.
Presichimp: I may have tried it but I did not swollow:p :p :p

LOL! That sure sounds familiar, but to steer clear of overt politics, will just say it sounds like something a certain "Bubba" may have said. (Of course that depends on what the definition of "is" is. :p :p :p
Way to go, Cooker! 4 pounds down in one week! Sue and Jack, good going. Evelyn, I love the Fiber One bars too. I had forgotten about them.

Keep pluggin' people.

Starting: 179
Last week: 152.5
This week: 152
Total loss: 27
This week's loss: .5
I talked to my cardiologist last night about all this water weight that's not going away. She's having me take an extra half-dose of lasix every day until we can get it off. Today I'm down a pound or so, but still have a couple more to go. I'll also be having my thyroid and potassium checked on Monday, so maybe we can figure this thing out.

I'll fully admit that I've fallen off the "eating right and exercising" train this week. I've just been SO tired that I don't feel like putting out the effort to make something healthy. It's easier to just have Nathan drive through somewhere and pick up dinner. I'm sure that is the main culprit of my water weight not backing off. I'm almost hoping there IS something wrong with my thyroid, just so I'll know why I've been so tired. I slept until 9:00 today and could have kept right on sleeping, but I made myself get up. Normally I'm up no later than 8 on the weekends. :(
Niki - I don't think there's one of us that don't know that discouraged feeling. I was experiencing that big time a few weeks ago. I found that backing away from the scale has actually helped me focus on the eating right and the exercise with a different goal than just making it be the way the scale moved down. Which it wasn't:mad: ! I will weigh in eventually, but until then, I still hang out here to keep me honest!

The great thing about this group is that you can get discouraged, have a bad week, try to rearrange priorities - or even just say - I'm pretty much not-into-it this week, and everyone is here to understand. Unlike doing this alone - we're also here when you know you need to say "Time to get serious again."

Could I really go a day without getting a helping of no-calorie Cooker humor, or Superbob talking about himself in the third person! (Which always cracks me up!) It's my Rx for laughter - which is the best medicine!