Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 10-3-14

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings! I'm down to my RTNYD15 starting weight. This is a surprise as I have not really been dieting but life is a stress bomb right now so maybe that's it. I would love to be at 200 by New Years Day but that's a lofty goal. If I average one pound a week that will be about twelve pounds which would still be a victory. I'm not being WW strict but I am trying to be WW conscious as well as make small changes in choices I make while dining out; which we do often.

October is breast cancer awarness month. Ladies do not neglect self exam and mammograms. I lost my mother to breast cancer. She was only 62. Guys, men get breast cancer too so be aware.

How did you do this week? Don't let gain keep you away. I'm hoping that if I keep close to the thought of weight management that something will click and a eating style change will happen.

RTNYD15 Starting Weight: 230.75

RTNYD15 Today's Weight: 230.75
I'm down a pound. I've turned down three offers to go to our local ice cream parlor after dinner this week. Instead, I walked. My sister started walking last spring. She was literally a couch potato for years except for when she was at work. She's a nurse so she knew her high blood pressure numbers, and the extra hundred pounds she was carrying around, would eventually lead to major health problems. Anyway, she hit the road and has yet to look back. Some days she logs 5 or 6 miles, other days it's 2 or 3, but she's consistent and does it each and every day. I don't know how much weight she's lost, but her blood pressure is within normal range and she's off her blood pressure medication. She put an app on her iphone to track her walking (mapmywalk) and I've put it on mine too. It allows you to share information if you want with friends, so we can see each other's progress. It's a real motivator.
Last week: 152.5
This week: 151.5
This was getaway week for the Missus and me. One of the things I am getting away from is a set of scales. Congrats to Duffey and Cooker for their steadfast resolve and progress.
Glad to see Superbob check in. I know you and the Missus had a good getaway week.
Where's the rest of the crew? We're missing Steve, Dornole, mbeard, Wise and others too numerous to mention! Let's hear from you!
I'm here, I just forgot to weigh first thing yesterday morning, and there is no way I'm going to weigh any other time . . . I'll gain 6 pounds. : )

I'm even for the week at 131. I think I'm in a good groove and will be able to show a loss next week.

Awesome job Duffey, I like the healthy choices! replacing ice cream with walking, now that is clear thinking. : ) Great loss too!

Cooker enjoy your windfall loss and use it to encourage more of those small choices every day!

GOOOOOOOO throwdowners!!
Duffey, good job and an inspiring story about your sis... think I'll walk after church today!!

Bob, hope you both had a great time!!!

Dorale, weigh or not glad you have joined us and are staying active on the TD!!!
Hey TD's,

Hope everybody is having a good weekend and enjoying college football. Unfortunately my team lost! (Crimson Tide). I have a babysitting gig now with a 8 yr. old and 5 yr. old for four days. I am hoping when I step on the scales next, I should have lost 10 lbs. They are wearing me out !
I guess I'll stick my head in here. I have not weighed in a while and have been stressed a bit. You all know stress and its connection to food. Anyway, I'm trying to right the direction of my boat by eating low carb good fat for a bit. Best wishes to everyone!
I'm glad to see both mbeard and Wise are all here and accounted for. Wonder where Steve is? As far as that goes, where's Freddie, Bina and Ann (our cheerleaders).
I just came in from a 2.5 mile walk. I've been consistent with the walking and added hills the last few nights. No icecream has touched these lips in over a month. I'm on a roll! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!