Coming down with a cold

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Feb 13, 2006
Hi all

I have come down with the dreaded col, blocked nose and sore throat. I was just wondering if there was anything i could take that wouldn't interfere with my warfarin levels? I seem to recall my doctor telling me to stick to paracetomaol to be on the safe side, but that doesn't seem to have an effect on the cold, any help much appreciated, many thanks.
Antihistamins or expectorants don't seem to mess with mine. I can't take anything that has a decongestant in it, not because of INR, but because it pumps up my heart rate.
I always check with the pharmacist before buying any OTC products, most cannot be used. Paracetamol is going to be about it, you can't take decongestants or things like Contact which dry you up. Just ask the pharmacist, they will advise.

I bought some Lemsip Capsules, I asked the pharmacist, who then checked in his little book and he said it would be ok, now I have read what it contains, and it has a decongestant in it, am now a little worried, though i also hate haing a cold.