Colds and Flu Pre Surgery

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
This is such an awful cold and flu season that I've been isolating myself as much as possible to avoid catching both. Dh has been meticulous about washing his hands etc

My surgery is Thursday and yesterday I had a slight sore throat and a bit of congestion. I just about freaked! Last thing I need is to have to delay surgery because I caught a cold.

Can't take anything because of the need to avoid aspirin products.....seems aspirin is in everything! Any suggestions other than the obvious?

Had a healthy dinner and went to bed early.....sore throad just about gone and just the tiniest of sniffles.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I so dread having my surgery delayed.
I feel for you. When someone hacks in my direction, it's all I can do not to gasp and cover my mouth and run (and I've been known to do nearly that ;) ) And here you are... ready for OHS...

I can't take echinacea products, because sometimes they've made me much worse, so that rules out Airborne for me. I actually don't know that I would want any extra type of med or homeopathic or anything in me right before valve surgery so I don't know about recommending anything other than lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water and get lots of rest--and I guess those suggestions are the obvious ones that you mentioned. Some people find zinc lozenges are helpful but I don't know if that could cause any imbalance of your biological system before your surgery. Can you call your surgeon's office and ask them?

Perhaps someone else will have an idea. I hope all goes well for you. Take care.
Hi Judy! Maybe you will be lucky and it's just a weak virus that will quickly go away. On the other hand, I am in the throes of a nasty one that you definitely would not want to be dealing with post-op - the bronchial congestion and coughing are making my chest muscles sore as it is. I can't imagine this if you were dealing with it post-up.

I know how disappointing it would be to have to postpone but better safe than sorry if you don't get over it in the next couple of days. Fluids, rest, humidifier if you're in a dry environment - I think those are the best.

Good luck! Stay in touch. Barbara
Hi Judy, for a sore throat I take Zinc with vitamin C lozenges. Take about 6 a day and your sore throat should be gone. They do work. Although food may taste funny (not a bad taste - just no taste), its better than having a nagging sore throat.

Good luck and
best wishes
I had my OHS this time of year as well and was worried about catching something. I had already been postponed once and didn't want it to happen again. As I worked in downtown Toronto, I had to take a crowded commuter train everyday. So many people crammed together. :eek: I kept holding my breadth everytime I heard somebody sneeze or cough. :D
I had a similar experience before my Jan 30 surgery. Had a severe sore throat, with white spots and inflammation, plus chills for several days. Sunday night before Wednesday surgery, I couldn't get warm at all, and had chest pains, ended up going to the emergency room afraid a major system was shutting down, and left with the embarrassing diagnosis of viral respiratory infection (i.e. a cold.)
The doctor said since symptoms had started the Wed before, it would have run its course before the Wednesday surgery and probably not delay it, and he was right.
Call your surgeon's office for advice and reassurance. Sorry if this is obvious, but you can probably take tylenol. Salt water gargle is recommended at Mayo site.

Good luck in overcoming/avoiding the cold threat. I hope all your symptoms are gone by now, so you feel your very best for Thursday!
Thanks for your help and encouragement.
I've used zinc lozenges in the past particularly when we fly and find them effective but I'm afraid to use anything right now....particularly if there is any chance aspirin could be one of the ingredients. I read the airborne box and decided against that.

The Cold-Eeze box reads ingredients are: zinc activated zincum gluconicum 1x, dextrose, glycine, magnesuum stearate, microcrystaline cellulose and lactose. Seems safe enough but it makes me nervous to take a chance.

Doubtful I'd get any help from surgeon's office on Saturday.
My cardio gave me his cell number but I've never used it. Think I should call him?
Purely my opinion, but I think Monday morning is soon enough unless you start to feel really bad. We're all hoping it will be gone by Monday.

(My surgeon's office had nurse practitioners I could call with questions during office hours, and a number to call for important questions off hours.)
Hi Judy,

I have my toes and fingers crossed nothing will stand in the way of your surgery. I would not hesitate to call your surgeon if you are worried. Best of luck and many prayers.