Clicking or popping under shoulder?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2007
Indiana - just outside Indianapolis
Has anyone had the experience post surgery of a clicking or popping under the clavical/shoulder area? I am only 2 weeks post-op after avr with a tissue valve. I am going for a check tomorrow to see if there is fluid in my right lung, which there was before I left the hospital and I had to have it drained. I am breathing fine, walking fine, etc. so it seems unusual that I would have fluid build up. Also, no weight gain to warn us of fluid. I am wondering if it is muscular. It doesn't hurt at all. I can just feel it. And when my husband places his had just below my clavical he can feel it as well. It only occurs upon inhaling.

Kind of odd! Any thoughts?
That's a new one on me, hopefully someone will come along and chime in. They do put you in an awful stretched position during surgery, you could be right that it is muscular.

Good to hear you are doing well otherwise.

Probably a result of being filleted. Mention it to your doc on the next visit. It may resolve of it's own in time.
Ross said:
Probably a result of being filleted. Mention it to your doc on the next visit. It may resolve of it's own in time.

I'm with Ross on this. I had lots of shoulder pain and my cardio said it was from being pulled every which way. It does go away.

Try not inhaling for a while:D :p :D

My cartilage became inflamed in places several weeks after the valve replacement and even recently, all on my right side. I think my issue is probably a thing called costochondritis, which I believe is not terribly uncommon after the :eek:RIBSTRETCHER:eek:... I had some strange pains in my right shoulder blade also, shortly after surgery, although I don't recall clicking or popping noises. At three months post-op, I was cleared by my cardio to see my very gentle chiropractor and he helped some of the shoulder pain.

Glad you're getting it checked out. Hope it's nothing serious. Let us know what your doctor says?
Yes, post-op my left shoulder would occasionally "pop". It felt like they dislocated it or something when they were twisty my body around like Gumby. It gradually disappeared (months not days). I'm into my 15th month post-op and it's gone completely now. I can't actually recall when I noticed it stopped, mayb six months or so.
Yes, I had a definite popping in my right shoulder for several months post op.
Mind you, my range of motion was limited before that from rotator cuff tendinitis.

I also had some twinges and what felt like a bit of wheezing in my lower right lung when inhaling; my home nurse was not concerned. After several weeks there was great improvement.
2 weeks post op

2 weeks post op

Hello lewis34. I like you hade the AVR on April 20! I spent 7 days in the hopsital and was released last Friday. My body was alergic to all the pain meds so I took only Tylenol. I had A fib about 4 times and mumerous other little stuff but now I'm home and walking 3-4 times a day for about 10 minutes each walk. I too have had alot of popping in my shoulders/sternum/back. I was in great shape prior to surgery so it's just a matter of time to get back in shape. Every day I seem like I'm getting a little better. They have me on Cumadin and my INR was at 1.8 now they upped my dose to 5mg. That whole surgery stuff was something I would only want to do once. I had a fantastic surgeon where I had just minor bleeding and needed no blood tranfusions. Now I'm on the road to recovery and in the next couple of months and can wait to start on my list of 1001 things to do in my lifetime. I'm only 45 so I figure I've got at least another 45 years in me!
Broken Rib

Broken Rib

Well, nothing alarming on the clicking issue except for a broken rib. They tell me this happens on occasion what with the "fileting" and all. They said it is high enough that I don't need to worry about it. It will heal on its own. Plus since it doesn't hurt and isn't hampering the breathing, all is well.

Feeling great and I'm up to 3 walks per day a little over 10 minutes each time. We are in a hilly neighborhood, so I feel like that is an accomplishment. Yesterday was the first day in real clothes with make-up to go out for the dr visit. It was a long afternoon and pooped me out a little, but it felt good to be dressed and halfway normal.