Chili anyone?

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Frederick Maryland USA
As alot of you guys know I have 2 things that I can't live without. Photography and Competing in Chili Cook Offs. So.... For all you guys up in New England, The World Championship Chili Cook-Off is coming next week. Up in the little town of Manchester New Hampshire. Yours truly will be competing in all 3 chili categories over the weekend. So if you would like to try some really good Red Chili, and Chili Verde come on over and look me up. I'll be the young guy with the scar. Saturday I will be representing the great Commonwealth of Virginia as there Chili Verde and Salsa Champion. Sunday I will be representing the fine state of New Hampshire as there Red Chili Champion. There will be some of the best chili cooks from all over the World there. If your interested in meeting me and trying some of the best there is to offer let me know.
Sounds very tempting. But it's a little too far for me. Thanks for the offer.
Good luck with the event. Maybe u can doggy bag for me I am only 1 hour and 20 min away from u.
where is Leicester ? Come look me up when u r in Boston. I am that old man with the scar wearing a tight jean.:D and While you're in Boston give my car a complete tune up.:D
Life would be less interesting without Chili Peppers!

Life would be less interesting without Chili Peppers!

Life would be less interesting without Chili Peppers, one of America's great gifts to the world. Sadly, you are little to far off for me to make it there but I am not without my own resources.

Chili Peppers Zoom.jpg

My plants have been producing heavily this year so I've got lots in the freezer. In fact, my plants are now starting a new burst of blossoming so there will be even more in a few weeks. The peppers themselves are maybe a little hotter than Tabascos. Oklahoma's sometimes brutal summers seem an acceptable trade off when we have a glorious late summer as we are having this year. I expect my plants will still be covered with fruit when I move them inside in late October. These plants have now been in pots for the past 10 years and are still producing well after all that time. During the winter, I trim off all the branches leaving only a few leaves then I move them back outside by early April and usually harvest my first peppers by late May. Each year I consider potting up new plants but now I am curious about just how long my old friends will continue to produce this beautiful summer crop.

Do you somehow manage to get fresh ones, frozen or canned? I live just 45 miles from Hatch where I was born. The chili is easy for me to get. Deming, where I live is right behind them. One year Deming was actually ahead. And the chili is the same. So I just get mine here. The smell of roasting green chilies is just something that I can't describe. All over the towns and people buying it by the bags full. Awesome!

When I was in Hatch the other day they had the chili ristras out and they were absolutely beautiful this year as usual. They always have more of those than Deming. It is kind of their draw. They had so many different colors and the red was just beautiful before it has dried. They just finished picking green in some of the fields near me.

I hope that you enjoy your Hatch green chili and that it along with your expertise wins you the title. I really wish my husband and I could taste it.

Good luck!
The smell of roasting chilis is absolutely fantastic, and I look forward to it every year. When the Jemez start roasting their chilis the fragrance permeates the entire valley.
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