Chicago area get together?

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Well-known member
May 2, 2004
Chicago area
Is anyone in the Chicago area planning any get togethers soon? If there are enough people in the Chicago area that are interested in getting together, I can help plan it.


Hi Danielle,

Sounds great. Had suggested meeting for brunch on a Sunday. We did this a few years ago. It was nice as we were all able to talk. Not rushed, etc. Epstns (Steve E.) said he would shoot for that. Then we have Lorraine, Cort, few others in the area as well. Maybe put up a date poll?

Any other ideas??:)
The Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise..............I'll be there!

Looking at my calendar.....seems I am pretty booked up on Sunday at the moment. 9/24 is open:) Date polls may work!
Hey Gina,

I was going to PM you when I read about the possiblity of a get together, on Corts thread. Never got the chance though. I'm all for it. Yeah, we need to co-ordinate a date. The only weekends dates I see being a problem for me is Aug 19-20 and Sept 23. Otherwise I will be around and looking forward to seeing everyone again, plus more new faces! I do my best to at least check in on the forum but not always. Classes start next week, so I'll be busy with students and may not even get a chance to lurk! Keep me informed. Thanks!
Hi Lorraine!

Looking forward to seeing you. And...anyone else that can make it. How does 9/24 sound? Anyone else for 9/24? Please post your intentions below and we will zap you a PM with the time and place.:)
Hmm...Sept 24 is a no go for me. I'll be hosting a group from one of my car-related forums that Friday evening (the group will be in route to Elkhart Lake WI for the weekend) ... and then Saturday, I'll be at a friend's wedding in the Freeport area....

Hmmm...I HAVE mentioned this as a possible gathering before in various threads:

* I'll be at the Jason Schweinberg Memorial Classic, a golf and dinner
outing to benefit the CHD Awareness Quilt Project, at Edgebrook Country
Club, Sandwich IL.
* Learn more about the outing here:
* An article about a past outing:
* My CHD Quilt Block:
* ALL are invited. Like last year, I will most-likely only be there for
the dinner portion ... arriving mid to late afternoonish.
* SPECIAL NOTE: If you want to join us for the CHD Golf Outing &/or Dinner
(SAT, SEP 16) [I'll be there for the dinner], you MUST have your entry
forms in BY AUG 20! So, PLEASE visit the website and sign up!

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Do you know what it feels like being alone?" ... All American Rejects ... 'Swing Swing Swing'

Congrats on post# 1,000 :).


Which date were you meaning ... or both? Sept 16 or 24?
Cort, Sunday brunches are not good for me because of my church music director job - unless the timing is like 1 or 2 pm. But the 24, I'm out of town anyway.

Well, the 16th isn't a Sunday ... it is a Saturday ... and it'd be a dinner (this is the CHD outing I mentioned above).

But, I agree with you about Sundays ... not exactly the best day.....
Saturday.....really hit or miss for me. Currently....don't have one free until later October early Nov.

If anyone wants to do Sunday brunch sometime....give me a shout;)
Don't ax plans for a Sunday brunch just because I can't make it. Trying to get everyone together is really tough.
Karlynn said:
Trying to get everyone together is really tough.


Tell me 'bout it ... heh. That goes for ANYWHERE in the US ... I should know ;).

Hmmm...surprised we don't have many takers for the CHD Outing on Sept 16 ... I remember when I posted pics and stories from it last year several people expressed interest in going this year. Ah, well ... I know ... life happens ;). I am still going for the dinner ... should be fun.
Agree Cort. It's a challenge to get everone on the same the same time.

You know what they say about best laid plans. As luck would have it. Just was informed of a family function on the 24th! That's now out for me!
Will look forward to future gatherings. Whenever, wherever they may be! Maybe we can shoot for the holiday's at the point;)
LUVMyBirman said:
It's a challenge to get everone on the same the same time.


Yes, yes it is. As most of ya'll know, I LOVE getting people together wherever I go ... but, at the same time, it is VERY frustrating when you have clashing schedules and clashing opinions of where to go....

But, then again, if we all felt the same, it would be a boring world.

Now, as for those Holidays, my goodness ... that is an even harder time to schedule ;).
CHD quilt project and other outtings

CHD quilt project and other outtings

Hey Cort,

How as the CHD Quild project Golf dinner outting? Unfortunately, I could not make it. Was there a good turn out for it?

Hey everyone!
Do you know of any other outtings that are going to be planned in the Chicago area? I know alot of people were concerned with the schedule conflicts, but we should all try to get together anyway. Maybe plan 2 outtings for people who are unable to make the first one?
Let me know what you guys think...its been a while since we've all gotten together.
