Changed Docs all is good

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Well after all this time going to a doctor I did not like, I finally called for a second opinion. New doc want to do surgery know, so I have a surgery date of July 5th. I am very excited, just want to get on with my life. I will be having accending aorta anuersym repair and aortic valve replaced. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. You have all been great.:p :p
So glad you got a second opinion and are happy with the result. I put you on the calendar for July 5th and wish you the best of surgeries and easiest of recoveries.
So happy to hear that you have found answers that will make your life head in the direction you want. What a relief that must be for you.

We will definitely be praying for you and hovering around that OR in spirit to cheer you on.
wOOt! Please have someone post during your recovery and then come back and tell us your story too.
I'm so happy for you that you found a doctor that you like and can work with. Even happier that you have a "date". I am sending you lots of positive thougths as you prepare for your surgery and will send you lots of prayers for an uneventful surgery and recovery.
Take Care!
Sometimes finding a doctor you like and trust is the biggest part of the battle! Sometimes I get the feeling they don't think this kind of surgery is any big deal, but it sure is to the patient!

Good luck on the 5th. I'm one day behind you.
Good Luck

Good Luck

May God be with you and keep angels at your bed side. We can compare stories soon.
catwoman said:

Where will you be having your surgery?

We live 20 miles from downtown Fort Worth. Both my husband and I have had MV surgery.

My surgery will be at Medical Plaza, I have to be there at 5 surgery at 7. If you get over that way after I wake up I would love to meet both of you. Thanks for your support
My father-in-law had both his heart surgeries at Medical Plaza in Fort Worth. One of his doctors was Choudry (sp?), the other Akhtar (sp?). (Can't remember who was the cardio & who was the surgeon.)

I work in downtown Fort Worth. Will PM you about coming by to see you while you're in the hospital.