Celebrating Caring Forum Personalities.

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I wouldn't know where to begin. Like RobHol, I'm afraid of leaving someone out. This site, and it's members, is an addiction, it's a way of life, it's a kick in the butt when I need it, it's reassurance that I may be crazy - but I'm in good company, it's caring, it's prayer when needed, it's laughter when needed, it's encouragement, it's knowledge and compassion gained from experience.

Thank you to all.
Wow! What a fine community we share. I knew that naming just one would be impossible, but thankfully, I knew that we'd include our feelings for each and every member who is here. I feel in the company of heroes each time I visit.

Phyllis, thankyou for such expression of grace as to include your partner in keeping the calendar up-to-date. Mary, thank you for sharing this duty.

I don't mean for us to feel obligated to produce a list of all the forum members here, if we wanted to read the names of our fellows on this climb, then we could check out the member list. What I wanted to remind each of us of was that for the Americans here (the Canucks had thanksgiving last month) their holiday is coming up.

I am so grateful to medical science that I have a life to live and a mind that can express that gratitude. I am thankful that I have an online home like this to share these expressions.

Thankyou all for being here. Your support is vital to our mental health and physical well-being.
this one is easy and we all know who it is. I just want you to know how much I appreciate all you do, how much you care, the support you give, your knowledge, your ability to find answers others need, your needed thoughts and prayers all the time. You are what makes this site go on and on, you built it and watched it grow; your efforts keep it building every day. If it were not for you, this site would wither.

Thank you, VR MEMBER!
cooker said:
It would be impossible for me to single out one or two to thank or pay homage.


Same here.... I KNOW I'd forget someone I'd want to mention...he he.

Some days, just knowing ya'll are here ... is more than helpful.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"The thing I find most amazing in amazing grace is the chance to give it out" ... Brandon Heath ... 'I'm Not Who I Was'
I am eternally grateful to Hank for starting this all and Rossman for keeping a close eye on us all and for every member who contributes to this wonderful forum to keep us loved, smiling, supported and informed whenever we need it.
Thank you, Pamela, for this thread.

I appreciate all the personalities named above for their constancy--they really make the site.

I'd like to mention Marguerite53, who contributes thoughtful essays full of advice and caring, and Cooker, who's always stirring the pot, then chimes in with a moving eloquent statement as above.

And I really can never decide whether I'm more grateful to the ones who sailed through and come back to tell us about it, or the ones who had difficulties and still find the time to contribute.
For me, it's all of you! There are many that have not been around in years, but not forgotten. I cannot name any one single person, because your all unique and have certain qualities of your own. All I can say is that I'm proud that all of you are part of my dash.
thanks for being there

thanks for being there

I am fairly new and visit almost everyday and would like to say thanks to anyone who has ever become a member of this forum, because without all of you I think I would have considered myself handicaped in more ways than one. This forum has been a true education for me and I tell everyone in the medical prof. about the vr.com. So my heartfelt thanks to all of you!
I too am fairly new to this forum & have become almost addicted to it; but a good addiction I may add!

I start my morning by reading the posts & drinking a cup of coffee & then check in from time to time during the day as time permits. I love the opportunity to be able to interact with others that share the same fears, hopes, frustrations, anxieties, etc., & share in the simple joy of being alive!

Thank you to Hank & Ross & to all the others that make this forum a part of my extended family!:)

God Bless,

Norma Jean
Thanks to all

Thanks to all

Thanks to Hank for starting this site, and Ross for moderating it.
Thanks also to Al for all the help he has given us.
As others have said there are way too many really good people here, and I'm sure if I tried to name them all I would miss some.
Compared to the 'old' days this site is a godsend. When I was facing surgery in '96, there were no resources available. All the info I could find indicated I had a 50/50 chance of surviving.That was really scary and I can only imagine what it must have been like for a lot of members who had surgery long before me.
So after my surgery I kept looking, and ended up joing a Canadian forum called Cachnet I believe. It included a few of our members back then.
Then one day I received an e-mail from one of those people, inviting me to join a small e-mail group where we 'talked' about all this. That person I beleive was Gina from Chicago, without her I probably would have never known about this site when Hank started it.
Because of that I hopefully was able to help a few people base on my own experience.
Having a chance to help others in need is a great feeling, I wouldn't trade that for anything.
I found this site shortly before my surgery - I am so grateful that I did. It is wonderful that people take time out of their days to help others. I have learned so much and it has helped my recovery tremendously.
Thank you all!
My Thanks

My Thanks

My thanks would go out first and foremost to my wife Michelle for having the vision to allow me to pursue my vision.

2nd of all - Mr. Ross for doing the day to day muscle work to keep it all actually useable for us and keeping the idiots away.

3rd - All of you for having providing the "meat" for the informational feast.

You are all awesome!

hensylee said:
Ross, what's a dash?
by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning?to the end.

He noted that first came her date of birth
And spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth?
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own;
The cars?the house?the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard?
Are there things you?d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
To consider what?s true and real,
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we?ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile?
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy?s being read
With your life?s actions to rehash?
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?

Copyright 1996,1998
Visit the author's website: The Dash at Linda Ellis' Lyrics
This thread comes at an appropriate time, right before Thanksgiving.

First, I would like to thank Ross for allowing me to enter this site with my yahoo address (which I know is not allowed). He knew I needed access to information before my dad's surgery and was willing to make an exception. I also like your sense of humor and sarcasim. :)

Next, I'd like to thank Rich for being one of the first people to talk to my dad about coumadin and for offering some great words of wisdom and support.

Karlynn, I always enjoy reading your threads and advice. You are very compassinate and supportive. I can always count on you when I need some help and reasurance.

Geebee, I am thankful for your honestly and for always helping others by offering words of wisdom from your own experiences.

Blanche, you're a spitfire. :) Thanks for educating me about coumadin and for sending me boatloads of info. You remind me of my mom in how you stood by your husband's side 100% while he in the hospital and never let anything bad happen to him.

Jackie, thanks for allowing me and my parents into your home so we could learn about your experience with surgery, coumadin and hometesting.

...and thanks to everyone else who continues to be a part of this wonderful community. :)

Thanks for the "Dash Poem", Pamela. It's beautiful and ought to be a sticky!:D
Pamela, thanks for the Dash poem. Of course the first two lines reminded me that I knew the poem and if memory serves, it was Ross who sent it to me some years ago. It's beautiful. We need a reminder of it now and again.

All y'all are in my dash!
At the podium!

At the podium!

As I stand here with my new valve (award trophy) feeling ever so grateful and so alive, I have many many folks to thank. (Getting list out of pocket.....hope there is no time schedule) First and foremost I must thank God as I wouldn't be here to thank anyone if not for him. BUT HANK you have designed a site that litterally saved me after surgery! Hank.....Thank you! I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL! GINA GINA GINA.........if not for you ...well you know!!! Ross....I love you and I will send you that naked pic to show you how grateful I truly am:D Al Lodwick, Karylynn, Al capshaw, Phyllis, gadgetman, wise, Blanche, Aussie gal, Wayne....OH MR> Presher! YOU are the man! Many thanks to you sir! My dearest hensylee, and Mary and Bon....you ladies ROCK!:D Rob H., Dennis, Knightfan, Debster....the list is endless (am I out of time yet:confused: I would also like to thank all those I forgot (due to pumphead *wink*)to thank here on the forum. I really am so glad I found VR.COM as I had absolutely NO support group, NO answers, I felt alone and was in excruciating pain with no faith in God because of it. VR.COM gave me something I could never get after surgery. I learned everything from this site. I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL! OH AND I DO PLAY THE LOTTERY EVERY WEEK AND IF I HIT IT........WE ARE ALL WINNERS!!!:D