ccummins 1 Week out!!

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Chicago, IL
Hello all,

Well, I can't tell you how happy I am to be on this side of the mountain!!! It is unbelievable to me to think that a week ago today I was just coming out of surgery and today I'm sitting on my couch typing this out!

So, here's my story. I went into the hospital at 5:30 AM on Monday, March 16. Into pre-surgery by 6. Anesthesiologists and a few docs checked in with me. Came this close to canceling surgery because I had an upset stomach. Come on, who wouldn't have an upset stomach the day of OHS?? Family got to hang with me for about a half an hour before saying goodbye and being wheeled into surgery. I do remember the first few minutes. It just seemed huge and there were so many people .... then out! Surgery took 6 hours as expected. Great news was that they were able to spare my bicuspid aortic valve and a small bit of the root. This was the decision that my surgeon and I were planning and hoping for. It was kind of an in between the mechanical and tissue valve. My bicuspid valve is obviously not idea but it show no symptoms of deterioration. So if it lasts whatever its normal lif would be, it should be longer than a tissue valve. So, after 6 hours out and in recovery. They wouldn't let my family see me for another three hours because I was having some trouble with the breathing tube. That is the next thing that I remember. That damn tube!! I just wanted it out! I ended up with quite a sore on my tongue from it also. My brother is a doctor and eventually sort of bullied his way in. My family was happy to see me but couldn't believe all the tubes coming out of me. Luckily, thank to this site, I had them well prepared for this. I was able to give them a wave of my feet to let them know I was OK. After that just a long night in CICU. Tubes inserted, removed, blood drawn, pills taken, sponge bath (I guess I was covered in some sort of iodine to keep thing sterile). I also remember the agony of breathing into that spirometer.

The next day, more tubes removed and they had me out of bed for a breakfast of veggie broth. Let me just say that was about the best food that I had the entire time there! I was getting in and out of bed surprisingly well. I also had a lot of pain in my back and shoulders. I was told that this is proabaly becuase they strap you down! I was ok to go to the step down unit the next day but there were no rooms available. There was some worry about my blood pressure being very low, like 75/50 something. So, lots of interruptions to take my pressure.

The next day I get into the step down unit. Everything is portable here so I got to start walking! From here out my days were similar. Sleeping, eating, watching some tv, sleeping ...
I am cracking up now at how I was worried that I would be bored at the hospital with nothing to do. I had a full bag packed, including lots of books, DVD's, magazines. Nope, none of them cracked. The only clothes I used were the ones to come home in. Anyhow, the Mack truck analogy is appropriate. I also just felt yucky. I did not want any visitors other then immediate family. Most of the time I didn't even want to talk on the phone.

Things got better each day and I got released on Saturday, March 21. Things just keep getting better each day. There was absolutely nothing better than that first shower. I could about wring my hair out. I feel surprisingly really great right now. I mean, pretty normal. I have to really remind myself to take it easy. The worst thing right now, that I posted in another thread, is sleep and back pain. I'm going to try a couple more nights with various remedies before resorting to a recliner. I am spending about 12 hours in bed each night, about 6 of them actually sleeping. The only other issue I have is that my blood pressure is still a bit low and my heart rate is a bit high. In the hospital they kept trying various dosages of beta blockers but ended up sending me home with none.

I now have a home health care nurse who is checking on me until my Cardio appointment in a week. Oh, any my scar isn't so bad. Doc said he made it smaller and lower down then normal. And they used internal stitches. Check out my pics on TOOTS page if you like.

So, knocking on wood all day long that there are no complications! Not so bad so far.
Congratulations! I went in alone because family was too far away and, because I chose to go to Johns Hopkins--an hour from my home--no one was available to be with me. Frankly, I think I enjoyed the staff, except for that nasty nurse in recovery who would not give me ice chips...

May your recovery continue going well!

Congratulations! I went in alone because family was too far away and, because I chose to go to Johns Hopkins--an hour from my home--no one was available to be with me. Frankly, I think I enjoyed the staff, except for that nasty nurse in recovery who would not give me ice chips...

May your recovery continue going well!


Oh yes, forgot about the water. I will never take it for granted again. The "nice" nurse I had finally gave me a few sips ... which I promptly threw up!
Good to hear you are at home and doing well. I am 13 days post op and still pretty weak, so take it easy and take care of yourself! To me everyday is a bit different, some better then others but we are headed in the right direction.
Glad to hear everything went so well. I found the staff there hit or miss. There were some nurses who were amazing and some that left a little to be desired. I was glad that my favorite nurse was on the day I had the most complications and she dealt with them in the best possible way.
Congratulations! You've done well!!! Hooray!!! You did it!

Now try to enjoy the casual existence of recovery. Be patient with your progress. Be optimistic about your future!!

Best wishes.

Glad you're back home, Cheryl, and thanks for sharing the story. What kind of pain medication did you receive? Sounds like you didn't need too much. Hope your recovery continues to be as smooth.
Hey Cheryl,

Great to see you on this side! It IS amazing, isn't it, how fast it seems to go and what you can do in such a short time. We just got back from a short grocery shopping trip - my job is I get to push the cart (and I count it as one, sometimes two, of my daily walks depending on how long we are in the store).

I hope you continue to get better and the pain is lessening.

I'm just getting around to reading posts. I've missed so many!!! So glad to read yours!!! I just had so many flashbacks it is crazy!!!! I will never forget that tube either!! And yep, i puked twice in ICU but I sure loved those ice chips!!!!
Cheryl, Wow what a post! I could not have written my story that soon after surgery. How wonderful they were able to save your valve! Take it easy, and keep us posted. All the best, Brian
I'm glad to hear everything is going so well for you! Like you said in your letter, remind yourself not to overdo it. Just give yourself a few more days of being pampered, and waited on. (I used the horn method myself)

I wish you the best of luck on your continued journey to a quick & full recovery. Good luck & God Bless
It's so nice to hear these success stories!! Glad to hear you are doing well! I am new to this site so I've just been reading many of the stories on here lately. I also have a BAV - just diagnosed may 2008, with 4.4 (last measured 1/09 just be echo) ascending aortic aneur. My valve is working just great according to my CT last year. no symptoms, no problems with it what so ever. 2 or 3 surgeons say wait until it gets to 4.7 for surgery. the other says the sooner the better, as my descending aorta measures around 2.0. I'm about 5' 6" 130 lbs, 40 years old and have always been a runner. The surgeons all agree they won't touch my valve as they see nothing wrong with it. I'm due for an MRI end of April to get a more accuracte reading for my 6 month check up. I feel as if I'm just waiting for something to go wrong when I should just go get it fixed. Was this a hard decision for you to make as to when to get it done? I'm curious at what size you decided to do surgery and was it you or the surgeons who made the final decision? Appreciate your feedback. Thanks!
So glad everything went well. Keep up the great recovery your doing great!
I don't remember much in ICU but I do remember sucking those sponges that had water in it and wanting more. They gave me some kind of frozen lemon drink after a while which really helped. Water tasted sooo good. Never did any up chucking though and I'm glad for that.
Welcome home! Glad to hear your surgery and recovery is going well. The accounts of your hospital experience is very similar to mine. I am impressed that you were online one week after. I wasn't ready until week #4, didn't have the concentration. Like many folks have mentioned, I couldn't get enough ice chips while in ICU. I waited until some would melt so I could have a sip of water -- heaven!