Cardic rehab

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
This week I went back to volunteering at the hosp. and also started back to cardic rehab(phase three program) since my spinal surgery. I am still having alot of back pain but I will grin and bare it for now. I am not ready to have bolts and scews in my spine.


legs and feet better without lipitor? I know I feel better, congrads on the volunteering,love the pup
Front and Back

Front and Back

Am very interested in your experiences. I start cardiac rehab next week, after having had valve and aortic root replacement in February. I also have spinal stenosis and I am hoping the rehab will help with that so that I can exercise more freely to preserve my new lease on life. How you handle heart and back problems simultaneously is of great interest to me.Thanks!

Welcome to our family. I hope your recovery is going well.

I think, in handling back & heart problems, the key is a well-designed exercise program. Starting one in the controlled environment of cardiac rehab is the way to go.

Just be sure and let them know of the stenosis so they don't have you doing exercises that may aggravate it.

Good luck and take care.
Osteoporosis and cardio rehab

Osteoporosis and cardio rehab

Hi Sherrin

Several months after MVR I started cardiac rehab. The clinic is headed by a cardiologist who is also interested in sports injuries.

At the clinic they conducted tests, (treadmill, EKG, weight assessment) and developed program right for me e.g. walk for at least 30 minutes per day with the heart rate within a certain range, walk under supervision at the clinic with telemetry once a month and lose a substantial amount of weight with a low fat, fat free diet.

Osteoporosis was diagnosed because of recurring back aches without reason. With drug therapy--no more back aches.

My health improved so much I can walk most of my friends into the ground.

Hope this helps.
Man of Mystery

Man of Mystery

Ross said:
Rob is an old member under a new name. Your mission it to figure it out. ;)

Let's give them a hint, Ross:

Rob (aka Robert, aka Bob) had "Bionic" in his original screen name. He's still proudly bionic but weary of touting it. (No he's not in the Witness Protection Program.) :D


Thanks, Lance. That was a helpful preview for me. If those miracle workers can help show me the way to lose weight, I'm sure it will help both heart and back. I walk my dog daily but she likes to stop and smell the roses too often, I know. :)

Best wishes,

Thanks everybody for your support. I didn't have the fusion surgery but I hope to have something else done. I have spinal stenosis Too! The trick is to take it slow. When I started cardic rehab after both my ohs I wasn't having as much trouble with my back. Walking on the trendmill for 15 min. is really painful. The bike and cross trainer are o.k on the spine.


That had surgery on Feb. 16th :D :D all one has to do is check the Calendar. :D :D :D I know what you mean about walking the dog. I walk mine several times a day..but, he has to stop (And NOT smell the Roses) but were his friends beat him to the bush... :D ..Doesn't help with weight loss. :eek: :eek: but, am getting a mile a day in walking.. :D Bonnie