Can I have a Guiness ???

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Jun 4, 2009
Cox's Creek, KY
Okay, the hospital got me scared to death to have a beer now that I am on Warfarin. I never have been a big drinker, so it was not that big of a deal.

But from what I am seeing on here is that an occassional drink is probably not going to affect my INR much at all. A Guiness would be great every now and then, especially with my one year surgery anniversery coming up. :)
You can have a couple of drinks even though you are on Warfarin. Moderation and consistency is the key - ie no binge drinking! But you said you aren't much of a drinker anyway so that wouldn't apply to you!

I usually have a wine with my dinner, and it doesn't affect my INR.

You can have 2 or 3. Until you learn how it affects your INR, don't go doing a 12 pack. Some people, INR rises, some, it falls, some it does nothing. Need to find out which category your in. Also, if your prone or have a history of ulcers, don't drink alcohol. Last thing you need is a GI bleed that won't stop.
You can have 2 or 3. Until you learn how it affects your INR, don't go doing a 12 pack. Some people, INR rises, some, it falls, some it does nothing. Need to find out which category your in. Also, if your prone or have a history of ulcers, don't drink alcohol. Last thing you need is a GI bleed that won't stop.

Nope, never had an ulcer or anything. Great to know that I don't have to be so scared of everything. Been reading about the greens too, you guys are great. Adjust the dose not the diet, my coumadin clinic and I are going to have a talk.
Please do celebrate the 250th anniversary of Guinness by enjoying one!!
I have found that coumadin requires drinking only quality beer -- I have more than once drank water or coke rather than thin beer.
But why not brew your own? It's a great post open heart hobby. I recently bottled an IPA I'm experimenting on; last year's batch was good, so why not add another ounce of hops to see if it's better?
Everyone’s system is a little different although a couple of beers on occasion is not likely to effect your INR that much. There is a lot of misinformation fed to folks on Coumadin by people who are not on the drug!

I have a couple of beers or a glass of wine on occasion, never consistent, I may go a couple of weeks or better between drinks. When I do it seems to have little to no influence on my INR.

Now, I guess if you put a six pack to you the results could be different.

A Guiness sounds good right now, I think I'll have one.



of course a couple of guiness's will not kill you. and if they do, it is probably fair to say you had some much bigger health problems than inr and warfarin.
i do not think 2 or 3 drinks a day is anymore a problem than consuming spinich, soy sauce etc though i conceed it must be avoided if one has ulcers etc

the cardiologist told me it is important to be happy and lead a normal life; that is one medical instruction i have followed to the letter.

as for guiness, its charms elude me... i have never liked it.
We used to have a kid here that drank 12 packs and swore it didn't affect his INR. I'm not condoning doing that, just saying that people have and do do it.
While in the UK ...................

While in the UK ...................

last summer I drank beer because the hotel coffee was undrinkable as in awful as in what exactly is this anyway. I really mean ghastly so I drank beers 2-3 times that week. More beer than I've had in 30 years. My INR was fine--no problem.
Actually I drank more beer that week than ever before because I was desperate.
Before anyone jumps all over me the coffee was from a machine offering 8 choices all delivered from the same spout.

Hospitals do put the fear of god into us over green leafy vegetables and alcohol and miss out on exercise and weight gain or loss.

Enjoy a beer or two:D