Caitlin's Surgery

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2001
Just got back from seeing Caitlin at the hospital. she had her surgery tuesday with a new mechanical ATS mitral valve. They were hoping for a repair but didn't happen.She is still in ICU with oxygen,chest tube,foley catheter and the usually ICU monitoring. She said i could post this and that she is improving gradually. Her inr still low 1.3. She gets up and walks as is normal. Planning a possible monday discharge. She has family in town to care for her. Again she wanted everyone to know that she made it and doing as good as can be expected!
That's wonderful news! If you see/talk to her again, tell her she's in our prayers for a continued smooth recovery.
I am home as of Tuesday AM. Everything went well- as well as can be expected, though I still feel like Wiley Coyote after the mack truck runs over him. I am beginning to peel myself off the pavement and get round again.

One thing I am thrilled about is that I bought a Hemosense home tester a couple of years ago since I was in perpetual a-fib. Now I think I can get the strips throught medicare. What a convenience, since I live way out in the county and it takes so long to get to an in-town lab. :)
Welcome home, Caitlin.

Yeah, that truck can be pretty ugly but time does heal. Be sure and rest and don't push yourself too much.
Welcome to this side of life. Yeah this surgery will knock you for a loop and then some. Your ahead of the game if you have your INRatio already, so enjoy.
Welcome home! Be kind to yourself so that truck doesn't do a U turn. Walk, sleep, eat and breathe!
Welcome Home Caitlin! Good to hear from you. Take it easy, stop and smell the roses!
Hi there girlfriend! Christina and I were just talking about you today at lunch and was hoping for your post to come through today that you were discharged. So glad you are home and have family to help. Let me know if you need anything!!
Glad to hear you are doing so well, just take it easy and get plenty of rest! Good luck & God Bless ya!
Welcome Home Caitlin

Welcome Home Caitlin


Welcome home and so thankful you made it to the other side of the VR mountain. So glad you posted because Pam and I had lunch yesterday and your name did come up during our conversation. She told me she had visited you in the hospital and we both hoped you came home without any complications.
Now you rest, walk and eat, rest, walk and eat. Your Tucson friends hope to see you at our weekly luncheon real soon.
Send me an e-mail when you are ready and I'll let you know where to find us.

Love & hugs,
Thank you all so much for your posts! Sorry I have taken so long to respond. I didn't realize there were so many unread ones!

My concentration was really off for several weeks and I had trouble relating to the computer at all.

I have made steady progress with no setbacks and I was officially discharged by the surgeon yesterday. I can drive.

I did have some pain issues, but my primary care doctor set me up with generic Ultram- a real godsend because Tylenol just was not cutting it. My surgeon said to expect the pain to be worse this time because he had to deal with a lot of adhesions and scar tissue and even remove some of the sternum.
(Hope that is not too graphic)

Even though all the professional colleagues such as the cath dr and the anesthesiologist kept talking about a repair, I prayed for a mechanical valve so I would never have to return to the knife. My surgeon agreed with me and found as he went in that the valve was too shredded to repair and the anesthsiologist had to agree. I barely made it in on time.

I had 3 things wrong with my heart when I first went under the knife in 2003. The surgeon in the first op only repaired the "subluminal filling defect" with a bypass. I came out of that with the valve untouched and the chronic a-fib ignored. This time, the surgeon changed the valve and did a modified Maze, so it is possible I will return to sinus rhythm in the next 6 months.

In any case my ankles are not puffy at all for the first time in years, so I can hardly wait till my next echo, because I think my heart is really working well, a-fib aside.

I have this forum and my vr friends to thank for my being so prepared. I hope many people find this forum beforehand and learn as much as I did. I can only be grateful for the purpose of this forum and so glad it was here.

I got set up with a service that supplies the strips for my meter and my insurance is paying for it, so I am also grateful for finding this information on resources over here too.

The best to you all. I will continue to visit. Perhaps I can chime in with something helpful now and then.
Wonderful news Caitlin! I'm glad you are so happy with the outcome. Do you know the size of the valve they put in? Just curious be my surgeon said my mitral was almost gone and they ended up putting in one of the larger valves in me (33).
You sound great Caitlin. I hope you will continue to join in and help those in the waiting room- your story can be a great inspiration! Best wishes for the future!
Hi Karlynn
I got a big valve too. I think it is also a 33. Do you have any idea why? Is it just our anatomy?