Bruisng and high INR

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2004
Ontario, Canada
I was wondering if anyone was around. I am trying to decide whether to go to the hopsital or not. My INR is 6.4. My leg has a very large bruise that has spread alot over the past few days, probably 8". Should I go?
Tough call Robbyn. I have had an INR a few times that was that high without any problems. However, an indication of active bleeding could be indicative of other issues not visible.

Do you have any other signs of bleeding - excessive gum bleeding, black stools, abdominal pain?

Can you identify a reason for the 6.4 INR? I am assuming you home test and, if so, did you repeat the test?

In the long run, you need to do what your gut tells you. The hospital would not laugh at you showing up due to an INR of 6.4 and active bleeding. Just make sure they don't do something drastic and drop you too far.
As Gina said - you need to do what you feel most comfortable/safe doing. Was the 6.4 today. What are you doing with your dose?

Is the bruised area sore, swollen, or hot to the touch? Is there any pain radiating from it? And has it continued to spread in the last several hours?
If you're answering yes these questions you should have it looked at. Only you can decide if it's something you should monitor until tomorrow, or head to the ER tonight. God bless!
I, like Eva are reading this a little later and wondering whats going on...I always put ice a bruise or bump...seems to help.
8 inches is certainly a bruise worthy of a professional opinion...ouch....
Thanks for your replies. I did decide to go to the hospital, I couldn't sleep with that big bruise on my leg. It had spread over 12" the past 2 days. It is still spreading. But it's not hot and not painful, only uncomfortable.

Well, they didn't seem too concerned. My Coumadin is being managed by a clinic, which was there main concern.

Just for interest sake, the clinic told me to hold it yesterday and take 10 today. I usually take 11mgs. And I guess my INR is high because I was in Mexico last week, doing a lot of walking, a lot of eating-different foods and a little drinking.

Thanks again,
Well, the walking should have brought it down. But a year ago when I was in France, I was also doing a lot of walking, eating and some drinking (just like you!) and my INR went up past 6. Had no idea why, very odd. I held a dose and took half and was back in normal range right away.

You did a good thing checking it out - who wants to just sit and worry about it?