Body piercing and infection

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Teen gets piercing-related heart infection

March 11 (Reuters Health) - A 13-year-old girl who was born with heart disease contracted a life-threatening infection of the membrane lining her heart soon after having her navel pierced, Michigan doctors report.
While there are no existing recommendations on whether people with such congenital heart conditions should take antibiotics preventively before having a piercing or tattoo, the researchers note, the girl's case suggests that they should be warned about the risks of such infections, known as endocarditis.

Infective endocarditis, currently the fourth leading cause of infection-related death in the United States, occurs when bacteria or fungus colonizes the valves of the heart. If left untreated, it can lead to a fatal destruction of heart muscle.

In recent years, there have been repeated reports of people developing infectious endocarditis after body piercing, the authors note. But this is the first case of a person with a history of congenital heart disease developing the condition after navel piercing, they add.

People with heart-related abnormalities are advised to take antibiotics whenever they are having invasive procedures, such as surgery or dental work, because bacteria can gain access to the bloodstream. Once inside the body, the bacteria can take hold in the heart, causing endocarditis.

Writing in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Drs. Jason B. Weinberg and R. Alexander Blackwood of the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor report on the case of the 13-year-old girl, who became seriously ill one month after piercing her own navel.

The girl went to her doctor when she became very ill with a fever and was admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit. The doctors learned that the girl had been born with a heart malformation that was surgically corrected when she was 3 years old. The girl reported having pierced her navel a month prior to her illness, but said she removed the navel ring two days after performing the piercing because she thought it looked infected.

Tests identified an infection with Staphylococcus aureus in one of the valves in her heart. The girl was treated with antibiotics as well as heart surgery and was released from the hospital after 22 days.

Since piercing of the navel and other parts of the body do carry a risk of endocarditis to patients born with heart malformations, the researchers note, these patients should be warned of this potential complication, as well as other more common piercing risks.

If Brittany she has ANY piercing ever her ears DEMAND antibiotics!!!!!! Print this and save it.!

SOURCE: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2003;22:94- 96.
I had my belly button pierced about 3 years ago and I went on antibiotics before the procedure and I think for a day or two after. I also had my 2nd holes in my ears done after my surgery and also went on antibiotics for that. I had endocarditis and it's not fun and it did twice as much damage to my heart. It's also important to let your doctor know if any of your piercings get infected. Take precautions everyone.


I hope I'm a lucky girl. I had some more holes put into my head (ears) last year, before I was diagnosed, and was having a bad time with them becoming infected. I hope I didn't cause myself any more problems. I guess I'll never know.

Just changing my earrings too much causes the holes to become infected. I'll take more care now.

Thanks for the post.
Let's see, what all have I had peirced...tongue, naval, ears(including cartiledge(sp)) but I don't wear the earings in my ears, and my naval became infected, and I took my tonge ring out because I couldn't have it in and have a c-section. It would have closed too fast. I just never wear any of mine because I always get infections in the holes. That was a good article though, thanks for posting it, Gina!
Maybe I'm missing something....

Maybe I'm missing something....

...but, other than earrings I just don't see any reason why females need to stick things into their bodies. Tongue piercing can cause gum disease, but visually, the most 'gross' of all must be eyebrows.

What do our other males think? Anybody get turned on by these devices?
A Hearty YUK!

A Hearty YUK!

Sorry for possibly offending any who wear body jewelry, but I do not like any body piercings other than earrings (for females only). Might be my age and midwestern roots showing, LOL!

I also get into arguments with the human resources folks at work, because when I interview people for jobs I tell them that if they wear any body jewelry that leaves lumps in their clothing they will be asked to leave those ornaments at home or otherwise not to wear them during the work day. Can't forbid guys to wear earrings, but the other stuff is past the norm in our industry.
Yeah, I think face peircing is just nasty, and I actually lost a job because I had my tongue peircedI just don't think it is worth it in the long run. I refuse to wear earings now for fear that itwill get infected and go to my heart. But Billy, it isn't just the girls that do the peircing, guys do ut too.
For inquiring minds.....I am not an advocate of body part piercing. Did hesitate for a moment to post the article. Though, I have seen the subject come up here. If we can spare one person infection it's worth the time spread the word.
Hey Girlie don't forget to premedicate;) LOL. Gosh that sounds painful! Hehehe

PS. Billy. Have you ever seen a human pierced nose and or nose ring? Reminds me of a bull out in pasture. Now if that is not disgusting! Wonder what happens when you have a cold, LOL
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adult content

adult content

You think that's bad, I once knew a guy who had his yoo hoo peirced 5 TIMES! One was at the head, it was a [edited] type of thing and the other 4 were like a ladder going up to it. His sister had her [edited] peirced and her nipple too! I knew a girl who had a 6 gage barbell in her tongue. Now THAT was huge! No, I never went out with that guy, but his sister was one of my best friends in high school. It doesn't really hurt to get your tongue peirced, just felt like I bit my tongue HARD. Sorry about the copntent of the post, just wanted to let you all know that people peirce crazy things!
I guess we hve to stop writing naughty words...SOn't know why they have been edited cause we're all adults here! Ross? Can you answer my questions?