blood pressure

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
Could anyone tell me if blood pressure that drops to 100/50 in the evening is anything to be concernded about?
This is just my non-medical slant, but that looks like a pretty good reading to me. Mine gets to 95/55 or thereabouts pretty often. I asked my doc about it at my check-up today, and his take was that getting the bp low is good so long as it doesn't get so low it causes you to get extremely dizzy or faint. Low bp eases strain on valve replacement device, he said.

If you have any concerns though, ask your doc. Important to regularly monitor BP because BP does fluctuate a lot.
It is kinda low but if you arent feeling unwell or dizzy from it I wouldnt worry too much. Just mention it next time you are at your Docs. they might want to review your BP meds. I recall our BP is lower in the evening anyway.
You may need to take BP readings twice a day, depending on when and how often the BP meds are taken.
I am sometimes at around 98/60, depending on the time of day and what I am doing.
Hi! I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but do most of you monitor blood pressure at home after AVR? I've been wondering if I should get a home monitor (esp. since I see my BP in the 92/52 range at the conclusion of cardiac rehab from time to time). Any recommendations?
My blood pressure went low like that one night. The nurse on call told me I might not be drinking enough water. Might want to check with your dr. I never had it again so don't know if the water was an issue. But I drink my water everyday anyways..
.................. I asked my doc about it at my check-up today, and his take was that getting the bp low is good so long as it doesn't get so low it causes you to get extremely dizzy or faint. Low bp eases strain on valve replacement device, he said.

That mirrors a conversation I had with cardio re my low BP. :) As low as you can go without feeling odd was his view.
Mine's been running low while i was in the hospital and since i've been home. When i lay down it's normal (110 over 68). When i sit up it's been going as low as 56 over 38. I feel fine though.
This brings to mind an interesting thought I had: Can your blood pressure run so low for so long that it causes kidney failure? I wonder how low it would have to be to do that.
Do you take BP meds? What time do you take them?

Ruthie your BP does not look very low unless you are getting dizzy. Make sure to hydrate while you exercise.
Deanne- I'm still on the BP med (Ziac) I was on prior to my surgery and this change is just since the AVR. It's lower pretty consistently by 30 points for both numbers. I'm guessing I'll call my doc before I need to fill the prescription: it may be that I can do without it now.....and have only a beta blocker. (Ziac is a combo drug). That would be nice!