Big Prayer Needed

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada
I haven't posted in a awhile because my life has been recently turned upside down. Last Tuesday, December 6, 2005, my 21 year old niece went into labor. Happy day, until she was diagnosed with acute leukemia 3 hours before she delivered a healthy 6 lbs, 4 oz baby boy. When admitted into hospital she had a complete blood count and various other lab test done to ensure she was healthy, her doctor was totally mortified when he got the results of her CBC. Her white blood cell count was sky high and her hemoglobin was critically low as well as her platelets. She has a very high blast cell count so they knew right away that she had cancer. There was fear that she would bleed to death during delivery and they had to decide which was the safer route, a cesarean or natural delivery. They opted for natural delivery. My niece was a trooper and delivered Zachary without any pain meds. She tore during delivery and the doctor had a difficult time stopping the bleeding. Rachel, my niece, was able to nurse her new baby for a total of 20 minutes before she was told that she will never be able to nurse Zach again. They quickly gave her meds to help stop the bleeding and to increase platelet production. These meds could potentially harm the baby so poor Zach was now on the bottle. Rachel spent the night in the delivery room because they still couldn't get the bleeding under control. Later that night an oncologist came in and explained to us that Rachel indeed had leukemia and that first thing in the morning they would be transferring her to the Cancer center in Calgary. They discharged Zach when he was not even 18 hrs old to the care of my sister and rushed Rachel by ambulance to the Tom Baker Cancer Clinic. That very day they did numerous test and a bone marrow biopsy. That night they had a official diagnosis. Rachel has acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). They started her on chemo the very next day. The really sad thing about this is that she cannot have Zachary in her room, her twenty month old daughter Brooke is not allowed to see her either except off the ward, providing that Rachel is well enough to see her. Rachel's husband is a basket case. He is only 24 and is now facing a very long road ahead of him. He can't afford to quit work and stay in Calgary to be with his wife. My sister (twin) is taking care of Zach and is trying to work from home at the same time. (she is staying with a close friend who lives near the Cancer Center). Everyday between 3 and 5 pm she takes Zach to the hospital to see Rachel. The hospital has made an exception for Zach and Rachel so they can spend some time together. They move her to a special room off the ward that is not being used between those hours and let Rachel bond with Zach while she gets her chemo. On the weekend Simon, Rachel's husband brings Brooke into town to see her mother for about 20 minutes. My other niece, Elizabeth quit her job to take care of Brooke. Its all so sad. Rachel's prognosis is questionable. They are waiting for DNA test results to come back to see what sub group of bone marrow cancer she has, so they can give her the best type of chemo for that group. The plan is to induce remission from the first round of chemo. They give her a 3 week break and do another bone marrow biopsy. If she is in remission then they continue with chemo every month for the next 6 months or so. If they were not able to induce remission the first go around then she will have to have a bone marrow transplant. Good news is that Rachel has two sisters (they have to be tested to see if they are good candidates for bone marrow donor) Bad news is that this procedure is risky. They have to totally wipe out the good and bad cells leaving Rachel with no immune system. She will require numerous blood transfusions and platelet transfusions. The side effects from the chemo will be brutal. I want to cry every time I think about this. I just can't believe that this can be happening. This whole family is being effected by this disease. Its going to be a long hard road ahead. I hope and pray that Rachel beats this and can go on to see her kids grow up and live a productive healthy live. Right now, I don't see much light at the end of the tunnel but I need some prayers for Rachel and her family to help them stay strong.

Dear Char, so very sorry to read your news,
You have all our prayers.
Sending you all our very very best wishes,
Ernie & Wendy
What a tragic story! I am so sorry for this young woman and her little family.

Chemo is indeed brutal. I went through it. It's been over a year since I finished.

Even as hard as it is, it is a doable thing. The side effects such as hair loss and other unpleasantries are temporary. She will needs lots of support while undergoing it. Fortunately, it sounds as if she has a wonderful and caring family.

She'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh what a nightmare story! You have my prayers and thoughts with you all. My aunt is about to undergo chemo, starting next week for a bowel cancer which has spread, so our family will be going through this treatment too.

Sending you positive thoughts!
Love Emma

What a heartbreaking story. Sending LOTS of prayers and positive thoughts to Rachel and your whole family.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I will pray that God doesn't believe he needs Rachel more than Zachary does.
Char, I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. hat is so sad. I'll be saying a prayer for her and your family. I hope they are able to induce her into remission soon. Sending all my hugs and best wishes to you and your family.

What your family is going through right now is heartbreaking. I am so sorry that your niece and entire family is going through this. You most definitely have my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us informed on how she is doing.

God Bless!
Char, your family has my fervent prayers. Please let Mar know that we are all praying hard for her daughter and the rest of the family. I will put your niece on my church's prayer list.

Rachel and your whole family definitely are in my prayers. Be strong. Many advances have been made in overcoming leukemia. It will not be easy, I know, but you will have prayers to go along with good medical care.

Good thoughts and prayers

Good thoughts and prayers

Good thoughts, wishes, and prayers are coming your way in behalf of your niece and her family!
As I sat reading your post, tears are streaming down my face. I am so very sorry for you and your family. However, GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!! Many people have read or will be reading your story and many will be praying for your neice and her precious baby. I believe that God has a purpose for everything that happens. We may not understand why, but we must trust God's plan for us. The wonderful truth about being a Christian is the promise of eternal life. Just trust God. I have you on my prayer list and will add you to our church's list. Keep the faith. Love in Christ, Gail
Char, all my prayers and best wishes for your family. I presume Zach is precious and darling; it's wonderful that they're letting him be with your niece while she's undergoing chemo.

This whole thing's such a mess right now that I'm sure you hardly know where to begin. But Rachel's very lucky to have such a great family.

I ditto Nancy; the chemo's brutal, and the side effects look so horrid that folks can't see past them. But they go away; for the most part they're superficial. Get Rachel some really cute fancy scarves (when she loses her hair she'll be quite cold, and her scalp will be very sensitive) and some good face cream and makeup, and she'll feel a bit better.

God love all of you.