Bad toenail

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I was missing for a week here, due to having a bad toenail removed last thursday. It was a regrow and the procedure when smoothly. The nail also had that nasty fungus. The toe is healing quite niceley. I was in tylenol 3 with codeine haze all last weekend. But am a lot better now. And was not taken off the coumadin. So I am doing just fine. The toe is going through the sore stage. But I expect a full recover in the next two to three weeks. Thanks for listening.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Be safe

Be safe

Just a precaution-some of the anti-fungal medications have some serious interactions with other meds. If you are taking an anti-fungal, check it out. Chris


I had an ingrown toenail removed many years ago..They wrapped this HUGE bandage around it..but I still made the mistake of rolling over it in a chair. OUCH:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Remember how badly it throbbed So you be careful...Any pain is not fun:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Bonnie
Feeling Better

Feeling Better

The toe is healing nicely, but still draining a bit. I was just accidently bumping it tonight. Ouchh! But it well be better soon. To CC, I had a nail removed before and the nail still had the fungus and was ugly. There was not much to do for it. No Antifungus cream can cure what needs to be removed. I feel better now that it is gone. And the doctor used a medicine to keep it from growing back again.

Thanks for the advice and feel betters. I just try to be here when I can. Thanks and be good.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
How did they do it?

How did they do it?

Did you have the one where they numb your toe first and then take off the nail and then burn out the nail bed?

Thats the one I think I need to have.

I had an ingrown toenail removed once and they stuck the flippin needle about 3/4 of an inch directly into the tip of my toe under the nail. It was a nightmare!!!

Anyway, sorry to be so graphic, but if they are gonna do that, they better give me A LOT of pain meds stronger than Tylenol#3, and they better do it hours before they start stickin this chicken!:eek:
What is it with us valvers and yucky toes;) Actually if you ask your family.... you may find it to be hereditary.

My mother had hers taken care of a few years back (before it got infected) no pain during or afterwards. Other lady I know waited too long and it became infected and casued all sorts of problems. I have been procrastinating....regular pedicure, which I have stopped for awhile kept it under control. Just a matter of finding the proper doctor and protocol. Do we need antibiotics?
Genetic Toes?

Genetic Toes?

Actually that is true - Myself, My three brothers and My father all have the same screwed up toenail on the same foot.

Wierd :confused:
Grandma had the worst case of it I had seen. If we have it taken care does go away. My mom has been very happy she did it. The nail looks great! I am just leary for many reasons us valvers have to worry about. At some point I will become tired of messing with it and take care;)