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Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Came home from the hospital today and am very under the weather. Picked up pnemomia the minute they inserted the breathing tube for the operaton so the hospital stay was longer than expected. Not a whole lot of energy at the moment. Will try to get back on the computer in a day or two. Matt
Welcome home, Matt. Too bad about the pneumonia to complicate things. I'm still pre-op but from what I've read it's now rest, rest and more rest.
Keep postive thoughts :)
BUMMER! I'm really sorry to hear about the pneunmonia, it's hard enough to get your energy back without adding anything else!
I hope you rest a lot and blessings to you. :)
God bless you and keep you,
I'm sure you feel like you had a double butt kicking. Glad your home, but it's going to be a long, slow, baby steps process. Don't rush it.
Matt, I'm glad you're home too. Did they proceed with the surgery anyway? I'm sure it is going to take you a little longer to recover than you had hoped. Do make sure you do your walking and deep breathing to keep that oxygen going to all parts of your lungs. Another thing to try to remember is to keep your shoulders back. After heart surgery we tend to kinda hunch to protect our incisions but good posture is important in oxygenation too. It is hard to take real deep breaths without sitting straight. Take care of yourself and I'll be watching for you to posts more details when you are feeling somewhat stronger.
I'm sorry to hear about the pneumonia, but I'm glad that you're back home. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Please take good care of yourself. Do not hesitate to call the doctor for anything!
Ditto what Mary said...............

Ditto what Mary said...............

Mary said:
I'm sorry to hear about the pneumonia, but I'm glad that you're back home. Please keep us posted on your progress.

We will keep you in our prayers that your recovery proceeds now without any other complications. Hugs. J.
that pneumonia got me too when I had a different sort of major surgery. It made everything hard to get over and was slow coming. Take it easy, but do your breathing exercises - that's very important. Your doctor's office is just on the other end of the phone line. Blessings to you.
Take things easy. Glad you are home but as has been said-use your spirometer to keep your lungs well exercised. It may just take a little longer but you will feel better each day.
Glad to see you are home, now rest rest rest rest and keep your chin will get better!!
So glad that you are home.. But I will echo the others.. Take it slow and easy.. either one of those (OHS/pnem) take awhile to bounce back from, so slow and the best pace.
Stay well hydrated, eat healthy (promotes healing) and do your breathing exercises:)
Check back when you can!