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Sep 19, 2011
Missouri Ozarks
Thank for all of your support! I am back home after surgery to replace my Aortic Valve with a Edwards Model 3300TFX Percardial Tissue Valve; Size 21mm. I have actually been back home since last Sunday but this is the first day I have felt up to turning on the computer.

The surgery was a success with a couple of bumps. First bump was excess bleeding showing up in the drain tubes so it was back to surgery to reopen and double check. Thankfully everything did check out OK. The second bump was Afib a couple days out. They did a Cardio Version and put me on Amiodarone. Supposed to gradually decrease the dosage of Amiodarone until I finally discontinue it completely 3 days before visiting the surgeon on the 20th. Hopefully this will resolve the issue.

My introductory rehab appointment is scheduled for the 26th of this month so things are moving along. Feeling a little better everyday but it will be a while before I am back to normal. Walking helps more than anything.

And thank you to the group for suggesting that I just go ahead and get this thing over with. Surgeon said the valve was much worse than indicated on the echos and my symptoms really had been real.
Welcome home. Glad to see that you are getting into the good recovery mode. Yes, walking is a true blessing. Do as much as your feel comfortable with just don't overdo (been there did that). I too have an Edwards valve and come this May it will be five years since my little cow friend joined me. So far, my cardio visits have not shown any problems. I hope to remain in that status for many many more years.

So take it easy, walk, eat, sleep and repeat, repeat repeat....:)
Welcome home, Vince! I too have a size 21mm Edwards percardial that was implanted back in 2005. So far so good for mine, and I'm sure it will be the same for you. I hope you are able to get off the Amiodarone by the 20th. Good luck and take it easy.:smile2:
Yay Vince! So glad to hear that all went well with you and that you are home. It take time to get back to normal so don't get frustrated. Easy does it.

Stay well.
Welcome Home! I think everyone has some bumps in first few days/weeks...I bet they resolve with time and rest. Best days are ahead with walks, and cardio rehab. Hope all goes well.
That's great Vince!!! Take it easy, walk lots and I wish you a very smooth recovery!!!!!

I've got the same valve as you!

Good luck Vince. Hope you have a speedy and uneventful recovery!!
Good deal Vince, glad your home safe and sound. Now it's time to just heal and take care of yourself.Your absolutely right, walking did the best for me in early recovery. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you.
Glad to hear you're doing well. Don't sweat the afib too much; it's really common post-surgery and usually diminishes as your heart regains its strength. I was on amiodorone for 6 weeks post-op for the same reason; now I'm on a low dose of metoprolol and only have a little paroxysmal afib as a souvenir, which causes me no problems at all. Be patient with yourself; you'll have good and bad days, and weeks where you make huge gains and then plateau for a bit. All normal stuff in this delightful experience!
Thanks to everyone!

It has been 3-1/2 weeks since my surgery. Had the follow up appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday and everything looks good. Heart rate and afib issues appear to have been resolved and I am off the Amiodarone. It looks like there will be no need for any other medications other than what I was on before surgery. Feeling good, strength is returning day by day. Been getting out of the house and going places which is a wonderful feeling in itself. The incision is still sensitive to the touch so wearing a buttoned up shirt is uncomfortable so around the house it is open shirt.

It is good to hear some of you have the same valve and that it is holding up well. The surgeon said to expect 15-20 years from this one and I sure hope he is right as I would not want to go through this again anytime soon.

Rehab begins next Tuesday and the only restriction is not to lift, push or pull anything heavier than 10 pounds until May 1st. So there is a smiley face on the calender for May 1st as hopefully life returns to normal. . .
Thanks to everyone!

It has been 3-1/2 weeks since my surgery. Had the follow up appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday and everything looks good. Heart rate and afib issues appear to have been resolved and I am off the Amiodarone. It looks like there will be no need for any other medications other than what I was on before surgery. Feeling good, strength is returning day by day. Been getting out of the house and going places which is a wonderful feeling in itself. The incision is still sensitive to the touch so wearing a buttoned up shirt is uncomfortable so around the house it is open shirt.

It is good to hear some of you have the same valve and that it is holding up well. The surgeon said to expect 15-20 years from this one and I sure hope he is right as I would not want to go through this again anytime soon.

Rehab begins next Tuesday and the only restriction is not to lift, push or pull anything heavier than 10 pounds until May 1st. So there is a smiley face on the calender for May 1st as hopefully life returns to normal. . .

It sounds like you're progressing real well. Rehab will help, and May 1 will be here before you know it.
Glad to hear of your post-op recovery and I think the rehab really helps to build your confidence and those around you who might still feel that you are trying to do to much........:cool: