Back from Surgery and Feeling Fine

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Enzo & Ziti

May 12, 2008
New York
AVR with conduit surgery was on Tuesday, July 8th and I was discharged on Sunday, July 14th. If this were an exam, I would have aced it.

Still, I didn't see any warnings in the forum regarding days 1 and 2 after surgery...that my friends just sucked. I felt like I had been placed in a commercial washer with rocks and then left in the agitate cycle for a few minutes.

Regardless, I'm back at home and the wife and dogs are deliriously happy. At least until I become a pain in the ass.

P.S. I have a profound respect for those of you who have been through this process more than once.
So glad you are home and none the worse for wear. I like your analogy- I think it is better than getting hit by a truck! Best wishes for a smooth and uneventful recovery. Lap up the TLC while your wife still has the energy to administer it!
Glad everything went well
Home is always home sweet home!!!!
wishing you all the best with your continuation in recovery:)



Congratulations! What kind of valve did you end up with?

My doctor wasn't 100% on the On-X so we compromised on an ATS Medical valve. If the On-X trials demonstrate any possibility of reduced coumadin therapy, the ATS would also probably pass the same muster due to its materials and construction.
Glad to see you posting. I could not tell you about the first couple of days. I don't remember them. I think that is a good thing. I was sooooo doped up! I remember how good it was to get home. Take care and I hope for continued progress.

Welcome home! Be good and recovery sensibly. No superhuman antics!
Glad to see you posting. I could not tell you about the first couple of days. I don't remember them. I think that is a good thing. I was sooooo doped up! I remember how good it was to get home. Take care and I hope for continued progress.


doped up? I was comatose :D Although I think they did it for their sanity more than mine
Congrats on making to the other side of the mountain.

Now just because your home doesn't mean you can take out the garbage.
Rest!!! Relax!!! Breath!!! Eat and walk.

Best wishes for a continued uneventful recovery.
Welcome to this side of the Mountain. Happy you are home and wish you a smooth, uneventful recovery.
a bed of nails

a bed of nails

I had my surgery April 10th. It went perfect, I have no complaints. I could even forget I had surgery.......except...for the sensation I have on my chest all around the incision. The nurse in cardiac rehab had said that one guy said it was like a board of nails and your skin being stretched over it...That is it I said. That is the way to describe it. Now has anyone else had this? I have to say mine has gotten much better. Though I have been sick this week with a sinus infection and now I feel it alot again.

Thanks all
Chest Incision

Chest Incision

I had my surgery April 10th. It went perfect, I have no complaints. I could even forget I had surgery.......except...for the sensation I have on my chest all around the incision. The nurse in cardiac rehab had said that one guy said it was like a board of nails and your skin being stretched over it...That is it I said. That is the way to describe it. Now has anyone else had this? I have to say mine has gotten much better. Though I have been sick this week with a sinus infection and now I feel it alot again.

Thanks all

Since I'm only a week out it might be too soon to comment, but I was practicing very low level Pilates before the surgery and was reasonably flexible in my chest. So the tugging and stiffness at the sternum hasn't been unbearable and I've also been able to use a padded roller, with assistance of course, to alleviate some of the spinal stiffness. What's really driving me crazy is the itching at the incision site.

I hope your sinus infection gets better quickly.
Glad to hear your home and speedy recovery :) Rest assured you wife will still love you why you are a pain in the butt! (we all do as wives :) )

smiles and quick heeling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!