Back from hospital. Feeling well.

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Mar 21, 2011
Chicago area

I haven't posted much here, but wanted to let you all know that I had successful repair of my mitral valve on Monday, April 18th. Both of my leaflets were repaired, as were one or two chordae. The surgeon also discovered a small hole in my heart which was repaired as well. I had the procedure done via a mini-thoracotomy with the da vinci robot. I was able to leave the hospital by Wednesday afternoon. I'm feeling somewhat tired but have very little pain that can be controlled with Tylenol. My platelet count is low so I was tested for allergy to heparin. That came back negative today. Having follow up blood work tomorrow. Anyone else have platelets drop after surgery?

Not doing a whole bunch. Walking around some, using my spirometer, etc. It's so bizarre to me to not be able to hear or feel my heart. I thought hearing one's own heart was normal!

I was so relieved the evening of my surgery, I couldn't sleep for more than fifteen minutes at a time. It feels so good to have this all behind me.

Thank you all for being such a valuable source of information and support.
Wow, that has to be one of the quickest hospital stays I have heard of! I'm glad everything went well for you, but remember to take it easy.

So happy all went so well, Paige.
Be careful to not overdo things. Take it slow.

let us know how you're doing.

I haven't posted much here, but wanted to let you all know that I had successful repair of my mitral valve on Monday, April 18th. Both of my leaflets were repaired, as were one or two chordae. The surgeon also discovered a small hole in my heart which was repaired as well. I had the procedure done via a mini-thoracotomy with the da vinci robot. I was able to leave the hospital by Wednesday afternoon. I'm feeling somewhat tired but have very little pain that can be controlled with Tylenol. My platelet count is low so I was tested for allergy to heparin. That came back negative today. Having follow up blood work tomorrow. Anyone else have platelets drop after surgery?

Not doing a whole bunch. Walking around some, using my spirometer, etc. It's so bizarre to me to not be able to hear or feel my heart. I thought hearing one's own heart was normal!

I was so relieved the evening of my surgery, I couldn't sleep for more than fifteen minutes at a time. It feels so good to have this all behind me.

Thank you all for being such a valuable source of information and support.

Great news. I was out in 3 days and I thought that was good. Keep using the spirometer and walk as much as you can handle.

So happy to see you have arrived on the other side safely !!!! Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery. It can only get better from here :)
I do not know if others needed platelets, but I did, in surgery. I was also given 4 units of blood for 3 days post-op. My left leg is still continuing to soak the dressings on the site where the drainage tube was.


Go Team 2011 !!
4/14/2011 AVR using a Edwards " Magna" Bovine Tissue Valve w/ a Triple CABG