Atenolol .25mg

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
Anyone have any experiences taking this medication.I was prescribed this three weeks ago and took one pill friday and one pill saturday all day saturday when I layed down I would get the spins (like after a bad night of partying) in my younger years also legs felt rubbery.Haven't taken another pill since and was backed to normal that sunday??
Atenolol is a Beta Blocker used to control arrhythmias (typically PAC's or PVC's). Lethargy is a common side effect. I've not heard of people getting Vertigo but I suppose that could be possible if your Blood Pressure dropped Too Low. Do you have a Blood Pressure Monitor?

Be Sure to Tell your Doctor about this reaction BEFORE you take any more pills.

'AL Capshaw'
I have taken 25mg atenolol for a few years as a bp med. Dizziness is listed as one of the side effects along with drowsiness. I can't recall any dizziness but I definately have experienced drowsiness....but maybe thats only "old age":eek: I'd check with your doc.
Heck, I'm like the unofficial VR guinea pig when it comes to side effects with heart meds. :rolleyes:

I had a very similar experience to yours with my Toprol XL last week. My cardio increased my dose to 150 mg from 50. I posted about it if you want to read it.

I'd definitely put a call in to your cardio regarding how this drug is affecting you. Everyone reacts to drugs differently. 25 mg atenolol did nothing for my PVCs. For anyone else, that dose might be too high.

Take care,
Debi (debster913)
I was also on Atenolol for three years after my surgery and The side affects that bothered me the most was that my hands and feet were always cold. I am now on 20mg of Coreg CR as well as 320mg of Diovan and 5mg of Amlodipine. I was and still am tired and lethargic often.