April 15th is my day!

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Hello all-First post for me. I am scheduled for Mirtal valve repair on April 15th. I am due to have a CT Angiogram this morning and I'm staying away from the kitchen while my wife gets our girls ready for pre school. This fasting for 5 hours kills me! I'd say for the most part I am not worried about the surgery really. I just want to get it over with and move on. This monkey has been on my back since December when my Cardiologist suggested we consider talking to a surgeon about getting this thing fixed.
I think what has kept me grounded is that knowing that this is what these Cardiac Surgeons do, this is what they train for. Of course my wife and I did our research so we aren't giving this blind faith. Its also a huge benefit is in my line of work I get to sit and talk with people ( not that I have been seeking this out) but I have met 2 folks that have gone through valve repair/replacement and others who have gone through some sort of heart surgery. They have all said the one piece of advise they could give was to try not to stress too much about the surgery. In-fact during my interview with my surgeon I was so encourage that I half jokingly said " let do this right now". He told me Thats the energy he wants a patient to have going into surgery, that is what can make this whole experience a whole lot better.
Anyway thats my two cents my girls are starting to raise hell so I am off. thanks to all for the posts THIS SITE IS A HUGE HELP TOO.
take care
Hi Joe - Welcome to the site; glad you found it! You do sound like you have a terrifically positive attitude!
Hope all goes really well for you.
Welcome Joe! What a great attitude you have. It's something that has to be done for your and your family's good, so you might as well look at it in a positive light. I'll put you on our calendar.
Welcome, Joe!

You're joining another member, RDDABlack, on the 15th for MVR, so maybe you two can swap stories!

I'm glad you're with us, and I look forward to more of your posts.:)
So Mary are you trying to start a little East Coast West Coast thing here??

I know I have received lots of joke about tax day and the like. (None of them are any good).

Looks like we have followed the same path. This site has some great people and great advice!
Welcome ! Glad you found the site and that your attitude is positive. Its going to serve you well both pre and post op. Good luck !
Welcome, Joe. Glad you found us and look forward to hearing that you successfully climbed the mountain and that you are back home with your two beautiful girls.


And recall these soothing words I heard before my surgery. YOU WILL BE FINE. They calmed me, and are so true! I'm a new guy! So good luck, and take each breath as a gift when you emerge.

Welcome, Joe...Sounds like you are well prepared and in a good mental frame going in. This is a great place to ask questions, vent, or just enjoy some light moments. Welcome to the zoo! :D Look forward to your posts.
Hi Joe,

I felt the same as you. Enough was enough with regard to waiting. I scheduled my MV repair ASAP and am glad I did. Now I am working on my recovery which is something I have some control over. Best of luck to you. Keep us updated on your progress.
Hi Joe
You are going to be so darn fine you won't believe it. You picked the perfect day and date. My two St Jude mechanical valves will be celebrating their "23" rd birthday that day. I will be sending you very positive vibes.
Joe -


Glad to have you on the site! So, pray tell, why is your mitral valve acting up, do you know? Your attitude is top notch, you'll do fine.

I wish you all the best for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery.

Wishing you all the luck in the world Joe on your upcoming surgery! I have no doubt that you will do just fine & will be back here trading "war stories" with the rest of us! Will keep you in my prayers! :)
Welcome Joe, goodluck with you surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hi Joe.

If you need someone to talk to you in your area, please let me know. My dad (who is now 63) went through valve replacement 3 times (most recently last June). My parents live in Hayward and I live in Fremont, so very close to you. My dad had his surgery at Kaiser SF.

Take care!