aortic valve replacement surgery

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I had aan aortic mechanical valve installed about 20 years ago. There was no pain involved in recovery, but the tubes going in and out of my body was as a pain altjoug no painful. I was glad when They were removed. Cardfiac rehabilitation was prescribed, 3 times a week, for many weeks. No problem doing that.

I believe that some who have tissue valves do take coumadin, at the beginning and some stay on it for qiote some time.
Don't worry about ICU, for the most part you won't be awake and usually they remove the tubes very shortly after you wake up, I think I was awake for 2 minutes or so before the tube came out. Heck I stood up in the ICU so they could change my bedding less than 30 minutes after I awoke.
Blew the nurses mind that I could do that.
you will need to sharpen your begging skills though, Ice chips will be your friend and you will have to beg a bunch of times to get them!
Home after 8 days

Home after 8 days

Had my avr wed July 23...within 2 days developed rythm problems.
docs watched and gave time for problem to correct itself but ultimately had pacemaker inserted,,,,it is poss i will self correct and not need it in future,

doctors have told me this is fairly common,

home 2 days, good family support. erratic sleep,

long process ahead but already looking forward to 6 weeks ahead when things shoul be much improved.

thanks for all the support, avr smooth sailing as far as pain goes, pacemaker surg more in muscle and so a little more tender but motrin and ice are helping. thanks for the prayers, Janjean
Hi Janjean,

Somehow I missed the presurgery thread but want to wish a smooth recovery for you now. Glad you are home. I had my surgery at the same age you did and am doing well. You might want to ask your cardiologist about cardiac rehab in a few months and also see if your insurance covers it. It's not essential but I found it helpful and even enjoyable. For now, lots of rest, gradually increased walking, and get some good nourishment. Incomplete sleep is not uncommon at this stage. Try to get some restful naps.

Best wishes....
Glad you are home Janjean and thanks for taking the time to post. Wishing you successive days of improvement and a complete recovery.
Hi janjean,

I too missed this one earlier, sorry I didn't welcome you back then. I am almost a year out (already??!) and am busy, and don't check here sometimes as often as I would like. So
W E L C O M E !!!!

That's a big welcome ! For now, listen to your body; I didn't sleep well at night when I first came home, and would nap frequently - I just couldn't get comfortable, being a side/stomach sleeper. Your main job for now is eat, sleep and walk !

Take care, and if you have any questions, post in the post-surgery section for help ...
good luck

good luck

good luck in your recorvery Jean jean. My thoughts are with you. All the best.
Hi Booshmeister. Happy you found us but sorry for the reason.
I had second OHS about 5 months ago. I opted for a bovine in the mitral position and am very happy I made that choice. My surgeon and cardio were both in agreement and for me it was definitely the right choice. It is fairly common for tissue valvers to be on coumadin briefly after surgery and I was for 2 1/2 months. Don't be surprised if your surgeon orders that but almost all of us stop it within 3 months.

Hope we can help you with any questions. No one understands what the wait and the experience are like except someone who has walked the walk.

JanJean..... Happy to hear you are home and on the road to recovery. Hope you have an easy, uneventful recovery.
JanJean-Hope for fast, full, and comfortable recovery

JanJean-Hope for fast, full, and comfortable recovery

The best to you. My prayers for your recovery and return to normalcy plus. I appologize for intruding into your thread and hope you forgive.