Aortic Root Disection?

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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
My doctors says that more than likely when I have my replacement I will need a "root dissection". What exactly is this? How does it differ from just a plain replacement? How much longer will it take. And is the recovery still the same?
What he is referring to is replacement of part of your aorta along with the valve. They do this with Dacron or some other type of man made tubing. The part of the aorta that needs replaced is because it has weakened and shows signs that it may rupture. Mine did! Believe me when I say you don't want to experience that.

The surgery shouldn't take much longer at all and the recovery is the same. It's something that needs to be done if the aorta is weak or already showing signs of splitting.
Regarding Your Question

Regarding Your Question

Dear Aunt Granny,

After going through two heart surgeries with my husband, I understand how confusing some of the terms that are used can be. There are two terms that sound similar, but have a different meaning. "Resection" means surgically removing something. When you have surgery they will "resect" or surgically remove all or part of the the aortic root also.

"Dissection" can mean a splitting or dividing. When the word dissection is used with the aorta or aortic root, it describes what happens when the inner lining of the aortic wall tears and blood gets between the layers of the aortic wall and splits or divides them from each other. When this happens to the aortic root and/or ascending aorta it is a life threatening emergency requiring immediate surgery.

I well remember wondering about the aortic root. If you visit the following site and then click on aortic disease, you will find a diagram of the aorta with the aortic root labeled. I hope this will be helpful to you.
Wishing you all the best,
wonderful website

wonderful website

Thank you for the website. I just viewed it and found it to be helpful for some of the problems I am now facing again. I will have more info. for when I see my card. and family physician on my unexpected health problems. Again thank you.
Glad You Found It Helpful

Glad You Found It Helpful

Dear Faye,
I read your other posting and am so sorry about what you are facing. I am glad you found the web pages helpful.

Take care,
My Diagnosis

My Diagnosis

I was cleaning out a drawer the other day and came across a page that was sent home.(along withboo-coodles of other things):p :p :p Had glaced at it the first month or so..then forgot about it.. My Diagnosis...Aortic Valve Disease ( aneurysm) but aneurysm was not there........Operative Procedure.. before I print it out .don't anyone scare me to death:D :D But would love to know some of these words:confused: :confused: :confused: AVR/Root/Bentall with 23 mm St. Jude valved conduit, Hemiarch replacement using deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest, Retrograde cerebral perfussion.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: What is a Hemiarch? and any other word?I'm alive and kicking 14 1/2 months later. so guess it worked. Granbonny:)
Hi Granbonny,
Some of the words you are wondering about are describing aspects of your surgery that addressed the aorta as well as the aortic valve. Your aortic valve, root, ascending aorta, and part of the arch (hemiarch) were all replaced using a Dacron graft with the St Jude valve attached to it. Your coronary arteries were attached to the Dacron graft. This procedure is called Bentall, named after the doctor that first performed it. While this was being done, they did some special things to protect you and especially your brain, such as making you extra cold (deep hypothermia). The web site I mentioned earlier on this thread will give you some additional information about this kind of surgery.
I'm so glad that all is going well for you!

Take care,