Aortic Aneurysm Surgery 19th Jan

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RobThatsMe;n871957 said:
Anyway, I was rushed to the hospital, emergency surgery, and woke up with a mechanical heart valve and graft installed. Glad you found out about this before an emergency situation, and to allow you time to make some choices about the surgery itself. Since then, I have also had to have a surgery to replace that valve, and then another one to repair another aneurysm. But still, after all that, I am still extremely active, as you too will be.


Thanks Rob, sounds like you had a rough time of it. Glad you got through it all and are back to having a full, active life.
AZ Don;n871965 said:
My aneurysm was found in a follow-up scan for cancer (which was caught early). I had valve sparing surgery the next month. Aneurysms can run in families, and it certainly appears to run in yours. Your immediate family: siblings, parents, children should probably all be checked.

Best wishes for your surgery and recovery.

Thank you for the well wishes. Yes you are correct, it does appear to run in our family. Both my brothers (who are actually older) have some dilation of the aorta which is being monitored.
pellicle;n871973 said:
First I've ever heard that theory. I guess that surgeons are no less prone to having totally unsubstantiated rumors in their heads, but because they are the medical high priests we give their crackpot ideas more credence.

When I was doing my biochem degree back in the 80's I had a real bad run with them. to cut a long story short some asshole neurologist prescribed me some real mind numbing drugs which zonked me out big time.

The migraines were easier to deal with

My neurologist inferred a similar theory, however there are numerous views and opinions and they seem divided on whether or not Patent Foramen Ovale are a cause for cryptogenic stroke and if closure actually helps.

I have been experiencing the migraines for so long now that they don't worry me anymore, it is just a nuisance as it does affect vision. When I had my first bout of them in my early 20s the doctor at the time told me the cause was bananas and I love bananas - giving them up didn't help.
bythesea;n871976 said:
... however there are numerous views and opinions and they seem divided on whether or not Patent Foramen Ovale are a cause for cryptogenic stroke and if closure actually helps.

none of the theories I've ever investigated were founded in proper science ... but then Medicine is more an Art than a Science at times (and we all know how resistant to "evidence based practice" many surgeons are).

They often don't like being told "no" in any form (even, no I don't agree with you).
bythesea;n871976 said:
When I had my first bout of them in my early 20s the doctor at the time told me the cause was bananas and I love bananas - giving them up didn't help.
You're shitting me! LOL

I had a PFO which was repaired via the groin in 2013, with an occlusion device. Just prior to that, I got a small clot in one of my retinal blood vessels and temporarily lost the bottom half of my vision in the left eye. Know a woman who had exactly the same problem, but didn't regain her sight. PFO. I'm convinced now.
I started getting bad migraines- numbness, vomiting etc- with aura at around the age of 12. I was told to keep a diary of what I ate. Possible triggers were caffeine,lack of caffeine, bananas, chocolate , marijuana, alcohol..... Well not all of them at 12 but you get the idea. I only got a couple a year so didn't do much about it. Fast forward to my surgery in February 2015 and I get the auras a few days a week but the nasty migraine doesn't follow. They last between 5 to 20 minutes usually and sometimes I have a mild headache after but that's it.
Hi, wanted to let everyone know that my surgery was postponed.

Twelve hours before I was due at the hospital, the surgical registrar called and explained that the surgeon had returned from leave and upon checking my patient records realised that I hadn't had an angiogram and that surgery was postponed until this was done.

So the day has now almost arrived and I go in for my aortic aneurysm fix, aortic valve repair and PFO closure. I am feeling quite calm and looking forward to the recovery phase.
bythesea;n873623 said:
Hi, wanted to let everyone know that my surgery was postponed.

Twelve hours before I was due at the hospital, the surgical registrar called and explained that the surgeon had returned from leave and upon checking my patient records realised that I hadn't had an angiogram and that surgery was postponed until this was done.

So the day has now almost arrived and I go in for my aortic aneurysm fix, aortic valve repair and PFO closure. I am feeling quite calm and looking forward to the recovery phase.

Damn, all dressed up with no place to go... :)
pellicle;n871977 said:
none of the theories I've ever investigated were founded in proper science ... but then Medicine is more an Art than a Science at times (and we all know how resistant to "evidence based practice" many surgeons are).

They often don't like being told "no" in any form (even, no I don't agree with you).

This is the first I've heard of migraines caused by a PFO but it's bloody interesting ,

I still have a minior PFO and have had migraines for 20 years or so, real bad when I first started getting them but over the last couple of years they progressed down to mostly just the flashy aura visuals with no nausea or pain, since I've been on AC I think I've had one aura whereas beforehand it was a couple of times a week.

maybe there is something in it
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