anything i should think about in the meantime?

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
I've heard from a lot of you that the time before the surgery can actually be the worst. Waiting for it to happen is like being in line for a roller coaster. I wanted to ask other people that went through mitral valve repairs, is there anything i should be concerned about in the interim? I know that if i do nothing it will eventually lead to heart failure, but is there anything else i should look out for while waiting for the surgery? Thanks guys
yes, waiting is the very worst part of it. The actual surgery and recovery is generally easy for most. Once they hit the door to go in they leave the worry to others and just relax!

What I did while I waited was to get all my affairs in order, as we all should have done by now anyway, decided what I would or would not need at the hospital, arranged for somene to stay with me when I got home, looked at that dang video a bunch of times (it never changed any of the times I watched it). Didn't know about this site (well, it was only email back then) til after all was said and done, but I recommend you read a lot here in VR now that it's a huge site and most questions have answers. You might also read the thread 'what to take to the hospital'....
Don't know too much about you or your situation, but there are a couple things I was told to do while I was waiting. First of all, stay away from lifting weights and try to keep your heart rate below a reasonable level. My Cardio gave me a max of 130. I don't know if your chordae are still intact, but putting extra pressure on an already weakened mitral valve can cause them to stretch or break - both of which make a repair much more difficult, or even impossible. On the flip side, you should try to remain active and try to improve your overall fitness. The better shape you are in before surgery, the easier recovery seems to be (at least that is what I've been told). Other than that, just try to think about other things until the big day. Waiting is BY FAR the most difficult part of the process.

Best wishes.
Waiting was a real pain. Once it was decided I needed the surgery, I just wanted to get it over with. While I was waiting for my mitral valve repair, my Cardio told me I could maintain my usual activities. He just said now wasn't the time to start running marathons. I was asymptomatic at the time so he just said to watch for any symptoms (SOB, palipitations, etc.) and let him know if I started feeling any. Just keep busy and the time will pass quickly. Best wishes.
that's pretty much the same thing my cardio said. the only thing i really have are palpitations. i was used to them, but now knowing something is wrong they are more annoying. i think a lot of it is in my head probably.
Waiting Is Like The Boss Wanting To See You!

Waiting Is Like The Boss Wanting To See You!

I Bet We All Know That Fearfull Anticipation When The Boss Calls And Says "i Need To See You". You Don't Always Know What Is Coming And May Not Want To Know. Lots Of Time There Is Nothing To Be Worried About And It Is Fine. The Waiting Is Agony. I Am Doing The Same Thing. I Have To Wait Till July But I Have Decided That I Need To Get It Done. Just Relax And It Will Get Here When It Gets Here.
Hi RyenO!

I am just down the road near Macon.I had mitral valve repair in February. I agree that the waiting is bad. For me it was a relief to finally get that shot that puts you to sleep so the surgeon can work his magic. When I received the shot I was instantly awakened (8 hours later) knowing that it was now up to me (and the good lord) to focus on recovery.Three weeeks later I was back at work.

I was told by someone on VR to make sure I did stretch exercises daily as when they preform surgery you are contorted and may be very sore afterward.I did and after the surgery had no soreness.

Other than the stretching I would make sure you have a confortable pair of PJs and something to keep your mind occupied while in the hospital (my kids gave me a portable GameBoy).In the meantime do some fun things and forget the upcoming surgery. Do not let it consume your thoughts.Best of luck and lots of prayers.
Thanks for the great advice CP. Do you mind if i ask what hospital and doctor performed your surgery? I've heard great things about emory, but even better things about St. Josephs.
well i've got a surgery date of july 1st. so just got to keep a cool head until then. of course my cardio is not making it easy. his office called me this morning and said that one of my event monitor recordings had a lot of extra beats in a row. they want me to up my toprol dosage. has anyone else had this problem. is it anything to worry about?
Glad you have a is always good to see the light at the end of the tunnel....Try and relax, get plenty of rest, exercise, eat healthy.....just be the best to you that you can......I'm sure you will be well.....Godspeed.

I had my surgery at the Medical Center of Central Ga in Macon. My surgeon was Dr. Rick Harvey who I was told does as many valve jobs as the surgeons at Emory. He and his staff did a great job.:)If I was going to have it done in Atlanta I would have picked St Josephs based on recommendations I was getting from friends in the medical community.However I bet either of the two would do fine.

Try not to worry about the surgery. Have fun while you are waiting. Go see the Braves!:)
Braves Will Probably Loose

Braves Will Probably Loose

thanks sheepdog. i'm having it at st joseph's with dr. murphy. i believe he and dr. wolfe work at the same practice. if it was up to me, i'd have the surgery tomorrow! these pvc's have me worried.

I have the same problem as you. As the other members pointed out, one should avoid lifting weights and relax-in general. During the pre-surgery period, cardios recommend low exercise activity-eg walking at a normal rate and under normal weather conditions. Also stay away from stressful situations (being pre-op is enough stressfull itself)!Your palpitations may be due-amongst other things-to anxiety. [/SIZE]
Glad you have got a date, i know how you feel about the waiting, we are still waiting for a date and they keep telling us different things. I will be glad when we have a date(driving me mad)so we can get it over with but natrully scared the best part about the surgery is when it is over.