anyone every have Pleurisy ?

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
I just got back from the ER was having pain in my shoulder and side, was getting progressively worse and my cardiologist and PCP both said to go. I had an echo on monday and all looked good. It wasn't until yesterday morning that my symptoms started getting the better of me. By 2pm today it was to the point that I couldn't take it any longer. They did the chest x-ray, CAT Scan, blood work and all they found was elevated white blood cell count (marginally higher). Bottom line is they didn't find anything wrong with my heart and they think I have Pleurisy which is the swelling or irritation of the lining of the chest cavity or lungs. Im home now, my wife just went to pickup the antibiotics (Levofloxacin) and he also gave me a scrib for Vicodin. I also need to get my INR checked on monday as the Levofoxacin could interfere with the Coumadin, my level in the ER was 2.4.

Now my question, has anyone else had this before ? Im 6 weeks post-op on Friday and was feeling great, by the time I left the ER walking brought significant pain just under the bottom of my ribs. Seems its moving around some on me. Taking a big breath also is not pleasant in the least. I gotta say it hurts like a bugger !

Im just looking for some feedback as to others who had this and how long they had to suffer through it before it cleared. I went back to work today and now it looks like I will be taking a sick day tomorrow and maybe Friday !

Any thoughts would be appreciated...
I had it once upon a time. It hurt like heck, as I remember. I wasn't given an antibiotic, just something to reduce the inflammation. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleural lining of the lungs. I think it took me several days to feel better.
:( I had my MV repair in Feb 07 and had pleurisy the following September. I was having pain I thought was heart-related. Xrays were done and I was diagnosed with pleurisy. It was very painful and I pulled my pain medication back out for a week or more. I remember struggling with it for at least 3 weeks. I ended up going to a physical theorapist afterward because I was having shoulder and neck problems after the bout with pleurisy. The PT said he thought my shoulder/neck problems were caused from poor posture when I was trying to cope with the pain.

Good luck. I don't have any advise except take the pain medicine as needed and ride it out. Oh yea, try not to slouch! :(
Yes I had mild pleurisy after both VRs. The chest drain tubes often irritate and cause it I believe. Uncomfortable, but soon sorted in my case.
Hi there,

YES, I had pleurisy starting at about two weeks post op and continuing for quite some time. It was very painful and actually felt like I had broken a rib and taking a deep breath was at times excruciating. I also had a partially collapsed left lung, probably as a result of not taking deep breaths due to the pain. I actually had a pleural effusion, which is a build up of fluid in the pleural space. They can view the pleural effusion when you have a chest x-ray and sometimes, if it doesn't resolve, they can do a thoracentesis...basically putting a long needle into the effusion and draining it. Of course, this is done by a qualfiied pulmonologist in a hospital setting and is reserved for those cases that don't resolve through traditional treatments. I was almost to that point and even had the appointment set with the pulmonologist at Cedars during my 6 weeks check-up...but at that point it was only 2 cm so I decided to let it resolve and avoid the needle drain. At any rate, the thing I found most helpful was the use of Motrin....heavy doses around the clock to relieve the inflammation. I did not use antiobiotics. I am not sure if you can use Motrin or not being on Coumadin.

I suffered for quite some time and even now, at 12 weeks post-op, I still feel that pain in my lower left rib area, but it is much less severe and just occasional.

Pleurisy is a common side effect of OHS so rest assured you are not alone in this. It is very painful but it will get better~keep taking your pain meds and use your incentive spirometer when you can (I know it is painful!)
Take care!
I've been taking Ultracet and that seems to be managing the pain aspect of it. I was taking Vicodin but its just too hard on my system. Today is day 3 since the diagnosis and I can say Im feeling marginally better, will trying going to work today. Seems moving around doesn't help one bit, thankfully mine is a desk job.
Seems Im prone to these effusion type of items. I've had Pericadial Effusion and now Pleurisy.

Thanks to those who responded, the info given has been helpful, I just want this to clear so I can get back on the treadmill !
