Any relief for SOB?

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2011
Hi guys

I have been struggling to get a breath all day and woke up last night due to this too. I have seen lots of posts about others with SOB but was hoping some of you have tricks or tips to help?
I was really struggling with SOB a few months before surgery, like daily. 1 month before surgery it got really bad, couldn't talk without getting SOB, couldn't lay flat on my back. Sitting watching TV I would feel like I needed to gasp for air and when I did I couldn't get a good breath. Now 5 weeks post op it has gotten a lot better. I still tire easily but better than before surgery that's for sure.

I hate to sound like mister obvious but the only thing that helped me was the surgery. I know your on the waiting list, I was on a waiting list for a month and I didn't think I was going to make it to the surgery date. Nothing I did before surgery helped with the SOB, one cardiologist told me a year before surgery that I would know when it was time, the problem we have is mechanical it doesn't come and go, it's constant. When its time you will feel symptoms all the time. That's basically what happened to me.

If it gets really bad rubywhistle I would recommend going to the emergency.
I don't know how wait list works in your country but perhaps if you are in frequent contact with your doctor or go to Emergency Room, you might get moved up the list faster? Is it possible to encourage them to move you along faster by seeking help rather than quietly waiting?

Best wishes. Hope you get your surgery and relief very soon. Most of us agree the wait is very difficult.
I vote for the ER and/or call the doctor, to try to get moved up. The SOB can be awful, and you really can't sleep. Maybe some diuretics may help a little bit.

The only thing that really helps will be the surgery. Sleep as propped up in bed as you can, but nothing helps. The SOB just gets worse and worse.

Been there, Done that, and it really stinks.
oh good to know guys - i have had the air conditioning on today hoping cold air might feel a bit better but hasnt helped any
I will make a trip to the medical centre tomorrow even if its just to check in and tell them the symptoms are worse
A physical therapist told my husband to take twice as long to breath out as breathing in. Also, when moving around to spare movement by working with arms down, sitting down to get dressed, and moving objects like pots by sliding, not lifting. Sit with arms on legs.

I wonder if oxygen would help?
Try elevating your chest at night by using more pillows under your back and head. This may help you breathe better. Do you know if you have sleep apnea? SOBs could also be relieved by use of CPAP machine if a person has sleep disorder.

Also, try to drink more water during the day (in case you are not drinking enough), as you may benefit from the oxygen water will deliver into your system.

Hope you reach the best solution soon.

Good luck.
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