Any one on Multaq?

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pat45750 Supporter
Supporting Member
May 27, 2010
Marietta, OH
Is any one else on Multaq - dronedarone. They switched my meds today and I was wondering about it. I have read that it is not a front line med for a-fib, but helps. The amiodorone is too strong for me, so I hope this new med might keep my heart out of a-fib and not cause me to be dizzy, fuzzy headed and depressed. It was just like a dark gray cloud came over me when I started back on it. Strange stuff this heart surgery. The PT nurses said they had one other patient that just could not take Amiodorne and reacted like I did.

It's basicallty Amiodorone with the thyroid-affecting portion removed. It's presumed to be much safer than amiodorone, but the effectiveness reported so far on the forums seems to be mixed. Hope you're one of the ones it works well for.

Best wishes,
I was on both Amiodarone and then Multaq before and after my Maze procedure, I have been off it now for about 4 months. I found Multaq to be as effective as Amiodarone - i.e., I never went back into a-fib while on it. My cardio switched me to Multaq after it was approved because while it is not expected to be as effective as Amiodarone, it is still expected to "do the job" and doesn't have all of the negative side effects of Amiodarone. Other drugs may work for other people, it may differ if you have a-fib vs. a-flutter, etc., but if it is strictly a matter of Amiodarone vs. Multaq, I would choose Multaq every time.
I have been on Multaq for about a year now. About 4 months prior to my valve replacement, and still on it since the surgery at the end of March. I had a Maze procedure at the same time as my valve replacement and have not had any a-fib post surgery. My cardiologist said he may take me off it in November; he just wanted to give my heart more time to heal before trying it.
I have not had any major issues with the Multaq, but I am anxious to have a couple of pills fewer to take every day, as well as pay for every month!

I've been on Multaq for 2+ months. I had a-fib twice 3 weeks after surgery. Was ablated 1st time and put on Multaq the second. It seems to have no side effects for me and has kept me out of a-fib since. My cardio wants to get me off it in another 5 months.

Hi Doug I have only been on it 5 days and can tell it is doing something. Only had a-fib the first day. It feels like it has really slowed my body down. The nurse said I would get use to it. Seems like all these meds often affect us more than we think. I hope I won't have to stay on it too long since I am at 3 months post op now. I hope you can get off at 5 months. Thanks for your post. Pat
Hi Pat,

I find your comment that it slowed your body down interesting. I've been on it since 3 weeks post op when I had the a-fib. I never felt right after surgery until after I went on Multaq. Maybe I was in a-fib longer than I realize. I feel great now but still occasionally run out of energy and take a crash and burn nap where I sleep hard and wake up confused. I have been blaming that on 12.5 mgs of Metoprolol ER but maybe it's due to the Multaq.

Maybe there are some side effects after all...

Hi Doug

I was very tired, dizzy and fuzzy headed meaning I was not thinking well on the amiodorone. I had stopped it twice before and it was like magic how quickly I felt full of energy and much sharper in my thinking. I was napping a lot on the meds, but not anywhere as much off. Now on the Multaq I feel a bit like I am in slow motion again, napping a lot, brain a bit fuzzy and dizzy spells. I guess I am really sensitive to the meds. They took me off Metroprolol since it took my standing blood pressure so low and could not stand up without being dizzy. I guess I am giving my cardiologist and nurse a challenge. I am also feeling the very strong beating in my neck again. I am assuming it is because the Multaq has slowed my heart down. The nurse said I should adjust to it all! The interesting part is they gave me a handout and warned me that people on Multaq often have diarreah. Fortunately, that is one thing that has not happened. I crash after I have done a lot. Just can't do anything and instantly fall asleep in my recliner. I don't wake up confused because that seems to be how I have been living my life lately! LOL Not quite that bad, but I do sleep hard. It is just like the body can't do any more. I am doing better and not taking as many naps. This OHS is an interesting experince and not quite like anything I have ever been thru before. 6 months or a year from now, we probably will hardly remember all the crazy stuff. Good Luck. Pat